Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sitting. Waiting. Starving.

My stomach is clenching and wrenching on itself as I sit in this huge, squashy leather chair in the Kia dealership, awaiting the removal of my snow tires.  It's 4:39pm and I got here at 3:10pm.  And I am starving.  Which can't be good for my metabolism.  It needs to be fed.  Soon.  :/  


What a day.  I feel somewhat whine-y and ridiculous about my temper tantrum online this morning re: the fact that I HAVEN'T LOST A FREAKING POUND despite....oh right.  You already know.  Well, add that to dark, gloomy weather, and a long workday, it definitely made me feel down & grumpy all day.  Pathetic, I know.  But it did.  I packed leftover Margarita Chicken, rice & beans into a low-carb tortilla for lunch and had an apple.  It was good.  And I waited till lunchtime to eat it.  Pat on the back, Sharon!  :)

Our planned dinner was cheese n' chicken fajitas; what I didn't plan on was spending almost two hours getting tires switched over, then having to pick up Becca from her class.  I scrambled home by 5, quickly made the fajitas in a skillet and GF'd (George Forman) the remaining chicken, threw some filling into my tortilla and scrambled out the door with it, to pick up Becca.  Not an easy (or very smart) thing to eat in the car, but I WAS STARVING!!  

So, I definitely didn't eat slowly and savor my food; in fact, while it was cooking, I scarfed down a handful of tortilla chips w/ some salsa & sour cream.  Bad.  But not TOO bad. I stopped myself before going crazy.  

Now it's 7pm, I'm letting dinner subside a bit before heading to the gym; got a new batch o' Energy Balls in the freezer and I'm feeling better.  I sure could use something "sweet" to end my day with.  :)  


  1. How 'bout a "sweet" comment? YOU'RE AWESOME to head to the gym after that day rather than kick your feet up and indulge in God knows WHAT kind of eating binge! =)

  2. ACTUALLY!!! I didn't go to the gym; instead I lounged and video-chatted with Tim and was in bed with lights out by 9:30pm! Had to get good sleep for this mornings early workout! Sure is fun to be back at it with you & Cindi! :)
