Monday, November 1, 2010

Daily Dose 32

I'm back; not happy with myself.  I actually feel kinda...blase' about this weight project, to tell you the truth!  About a week ago, I started in eating at night, then figured I'd gotten off-track, so might as well "enjoy" it while I'm off, kept eating badly during the days, eating at night, skipped a few swim classes due to busy-ness; (I WAS busy, but could have squeezed them in if I'd really wanted to) I was thinking "why bother w/ the daily classes if I'm eating like a hog?", so just didn't feel motivated to go.  Even today, because it's MONDAY, I'm feeling like I SHOULD get going again, have made a half-hearted attempt to eat wisely this AM and telling myself not to eat chocolate at my client's this morning.  (I'm actually kinda sick of candy from a week of indulging myself, with the grand finale last night!)  So, weight this AM??  228#.  Yup.  Six pounds flew back on after my lowest weight a while back of 222.  It took me a month to lose ten and about a week to gain back six.  Not exactly "easy come, easy go"...when will I learn??

So, the facts being stated, here I am again.  Bowl of Greek yogurt in hand, almonds in my work bag for a morning snack, plans for um....something good and healthy for lunch, and dinner....a busy day ahead, that only gets busier when I get home at 3pm...oh well.  That's life.  We shall see what happens. 

Here's a picture I took of myself last night; I was getting scary for Halloween but this is what I really feel like.  Ugly.  Not too swift.  Outta control... 

1 comment:

  1. Did you do your own make-up because that looks AMAZING!

    I, too, fell off the wagon for Halloween. But I can't wait to get back on :) Felt so much better before. Just give it a few days and before you know it you'll be back to where you were!
