Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday Ponderings....

Hi folks!

I was so encouraged to read the comments some of you left for me; thank you so much for taking the time to not only read, but respond.  I have to admit, that after I hit "Share on Facebook" and saw the blog on my profile page, I cringed in embarrassment that I had so frankly put it all out there!  Good grief!  Have I no pride??  I had to tell my exact WEIGHT!??  Aaaackk...

I'm pretty frustrated with this Blogger thing as it's not allowing me to alter the original page I'd set up last year...I need to change the Beginning Weight, and incremental goals, etc. but my computer shuts down the program when I try.  So frustrating!  And when I see that back in the fall I began this at the weight of 232 (which was horrifying enough) and now, at 15 pounds more, I just...shake my head in disgust and disbelief at my...lack of control and perseverence.  Just can't figure myself out.  Oh well.  I don't mean to be negative; this blog is about being "real", for sure, but I also want to be encouraged and encourage others. 

It's been 9 days since I began, I've dropped 10 pounds, gone to the gym 7 times, and my size 18 pants are feeling a TAD loose!  That's cool.  I'm so happy to be back at the gym; alternating days of cardio for 45-60 minutes, with days of 15 min cardio warm-up, then 30 min or so of strength training on the machines.  Planet Fitness is a great place and I'm very thankful for it!  I'm glad that Erin & I will continue a swim class together; I missed seeing those dear (old-er) people each week that attend so faithfully. 

I know I've said this before, but I have to say again how thankful I am for delicious, healthy food that is SO satisfying!  Tonight I had baby carrots w/ garlic hummus while my garlic-chicken sausages cooked in marinara.  When it was almost done, I put a heap of fresh baby spinach on top, then stirred it in and let it cook down a few minutes.  SOOO delicious!  Topped w/ a bit of grated romano cheese!  mmmMMM!  Feeling comfortably full.  I was sorely tempted when shopping tonight to buy a loaf of handmade artisan bread, fully whole-grain, but I'm so afraid that once I get that in my mouth again, I'll tear into the whole loaf in one sitting!  I LOVE good bread, especially toasted, with either sharp cheddar cheese melted on (after buttering the toast, of course) or with natural peanut butter on one slice and jam on the other.  Eaten w/ a cup of hot, strong coffee...what could be better??  Wow.  Now I'm really glad I didn't buy it!!  :D

Okay, gotta hop off here and get to the gym.  Tonight is cardio.  Unfortunately I have a very painful plantars wart right on the ball of my right foot which really affects my workout, but I'll try to just deal w/ it, and get in at least 45 minutes.  Might end up on the bike, but that's fine too.  I have an appointment w/ a podiatrist next month, and hopefully it can be easily remedied. 

Ta Ta!  Thanks for stopping in! 

This is a stack of clothing I weeded out of my dresser since I don't fit them anymore.  Hoping to put them back in before too long!  Especially my favorite Levi's! 

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