I'm back; not happy with myself. I actually feel kinda...blase' about this weight project, to tell you the truth! About a week ago, I started in eating at night, then figured I'd gotten off-track, so might as well "enjoy" it while I'm off, kept eating badly during the days, eating at night, skipped a few swim classes due to busy-ness; (I WAS busy, but could have squeezed them in if I'd really wanted to) I was thinking "why bother w/ the daily classes if I'm eating like a hog?", so just didn't feel motivated to go. Even today, because it's MONDAY, I'm feeling like I SHOULD get going again, have made a half-hearted attempt to eat wisely this AM and telling myself not to eat chocolate at my client's this morning. (I'm actually kinda sick of candy from a week of indulging myself, with the grand finale last night!) So, weight this AM?? 228#. Yup. Six pounds flew back on after my lowest weight a while back of 222. It took me a month to lose ten and about a week to gain back six. Not exactly "easy come, easy go"...when will I learn??
So, the facts being stated, here I am again. Bowl of Greek yogurt in hand, almonds in my work bag for a morning snack, plans for um....something good and healthy for lunch, and dinner....a busy day ahead, that only gets busier when I get home at 3pm...oh well. That's life. We shall see what happens.
Here's a picture I took of myself last night; I was getting scary for Halloween but this is what I really feel like. Ugly. Not too swift. Outta control...
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Daily Dose 31 (continued)
I'm back but not feeling too inspired tonight. My friend, Cindi, joined me at the gym for Power Waves; that was great and we're going to try and do more of the classes together. I hope she likes it as much as I do! I had to hop out of the pool early in order to get to my second chorus rehearsal tonight; we usually only meet on Mondays, but our first concert is next week, so thus, extra rehearsal.
Today's Eating
AM: LF yogurt w/ flaxseed/coffee
Snack: no snack
Lunch: bowl homemade vegetable beef soup/bagel w/ cream cheese
Snack: celery w/ hummus/coffee
Dinner: chicken enchilada filling/broccoli & cauliflower
Snack: SF chocolate pudding/cheese stick
Exercise: 1 hour water class
I'm actually sitting here this very minute wanting to get up & forage through the cupboards; have I mentioned that I LOVE to eat at night? Not sure why; it's such a long-standing (bad) habit and just feels natural. But it's 10pm and I already ate the choc. pudding/cheese stick a little while ago, so nothing more. I should just go upstairs to bed w/ my book and read till I'm sleepy. Sorry I dont' have anything interesting or informational for you today. Just plowing ahead here. Goodnight~
Today's Eating
AM: LF yogurt w/ flaxseed/coffee
Snack: no snack
Lunch: bowl homemade vegetable beef soup/bagel w/ cream cheese
Snack: celery w/ hummus/coffee
Dinner: chicken enchilada filling/broccoli & cauliflower
Snack: SF chocolate pudding/cheese stick
Exercise: 1 hour water class
I'm actually sitting here this very minute wanting to get up & forage through the cupboards; have I mentioned that I LOVE to eat at night? Not sure why; it's such a long-standing (bad) habit and just feels natural. But it's 10pm and I already ate the choc. pudding/cheese stick a little while ago, so nothing more. I should just go upstairs to bed w/ my book and read till I'm sleepy. Sorry I dont' have anything interesting or informational for you today. Just plowing ahead here. Goodnight~
Daily Dose 31
225. :( Good grief. Not feeling like writing now; got a lot going on with Becca's diabetes too, so my enthusiasm and energy for "me" fluctuates. I'll write more later on.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Daily Dose 30
Well, hello there! Can't believe I haven't written since Friday but it was a busy, yet relaxing weekend and I didn't go near the computer till this afternoon! First off, weight today 225#. It is what it is. Weekends, Chinese, birthdays, evening snacking. I don't feel like I went crazy or anything, but I know I ate more Chinese than I should have (man! I forgot about crab rangoons!!!), cake & ice cream ended up being eaten after 8pm, and leftovers on Sunday must be taken into account. So, today's another day, and I will carry on.
I'm about to leave for my evening water aerobics class, then zoom from there to chorus~ we have double practices this week, so I'll be doing the same thing tomorrow evening too. I ate a good lunch around 2pm, so am still feeling comfortably full. Problem will be working out for an hour, then singing for 90 minutes and getting home at 8:45pm, I'm sure to be hungry!! :{ Guess I'd better throw a protein-boosted snack in my bag for after class. Hopefully that'll hold me till AM. SIGH. We'll see...okay. I'm outta here but will post more later.
I'm about to leave for my evening water aerobics class, then zoom from there to chorus~ we have double practices this week, so I'll be doing the same thing tomorrow evening too. I ate a good lunch around 2pm, so am still feeling comfortably full. Problem will be working out for an hour, then singing for 90 minutes and getting home at 8:45pm, I'm sure to be hungry!! :{ Guess I'd better throw a protein-boosted snack in my bag for after class. Hopefully that'll hold me till AM. SIGH. We'll see...okay. I'm outta here but will post more later.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Daily Dose 29
223# this morning. Did a 9am cardio combo class; it was good and I left feeling refreshed and invigorated. Had an afternoon client for three hours then spent the afternoon cleaning the house and running errands. I LOVE Fridays and weekends! :) Diet-wise, they're dangerous ground but if I have a plan, hopefully I'll stick to it. We're going to NH on Saturday to celebrate my Moms birthday, meeting initially at a Chinese restaurant for dinner. I really need to be careful of what I choose to eat there: I LOVE Chinese food!! Afterwards, we're all going back to Moms house for cake & ice cream (groan) but I've already decided I'm going to have a normal sized piece w/ a reasonable serving of ice cream. This is REAL LIFE, after all, and what I'm doing is for MY real life~ striving to eat well most of the time, with the occasional "cheat". I hate to call it that; I'm not really cheating, because I'm allowed to eat whatever I want. Gotta come up with another name for it...any suggestions?
Today's Eating
AM: bowl of Kashi fiber-cereal w/ skim milk/coffee/banana yogurt w/ blueberries and flaxseed
Snack: none
Lunch: ham slice w/ slice provolone/2 BBQ'd chicken thighs w/o skin/1 SF fudgesicle bar
Snack: coffee
Dinner: veggie burger w/ grated cheddar, salsa & dollop Greek yogurt/celery w/ spicy hummus (yick)
Snack: grape tomatoes/slice ham w/ T cream cheese, rolled up
Exercise: 1 hour cardio combo class
Here's a little excerpt from one of the blogs I follow; boy, can I relate!! :}
"I have become highly aware that the scale has WAY too much power over my state of mind. I am very close to packing the scale away for a few weeks, but I'm not quite there yet. In the past, when I had been slacking off, I thought about hiding the scale as a way to avoid reality. At this point in time, I'm beyond that. But I have realized that seeing something I don't like on the scale in the morning has the potential to sway my whole day. Good sway or bad sway, that is wrong. So, if I can't get rid of this unhealthy relationship with the scale, I may have tocrush it to smithereens get rid of it.
But for today--the scale remains. (Probably because I liked what I saw this morning. LOL)"
Okay, I'm outta here! Goodnight, now! :)
Today's Eating
AM: bowl of Kashi fiber-cereal w/ skim milk/coffee/banana yogurt w/ blueberries and flaxseed
Snack: none
Lunch: ham slice w/ slice provolone/2 BBQ'd chicken thighs w/o skin/1 SF fudgesicle bar
Snack: coffee
Dinner: veggie burger w/ grated cheddar, salsa & dollop Greek yogurt/celery w/ spicy hummus (yick)
Snack: grape tomatoes/slice ham w/ T cream cheese, rolled up
Exercise: 1 hour cardio combo class
Here's a little excerpt from one of the blogs I follow; boy, can I relate!! :}
"I have become highly aware that the scale has WAY too much power over my state of mind. I am very close to packing the scale away for a few weeks, but I'm not quite there yet. In the past, when I had been slacking off, I thought about hiding the scale as a way to avoid reality. At this point in time, I'm beyond that. But I have realized that seeing something I don't like on the scale in the morning has the potential to sway my whole day. Good sway or bad sway, that is wrong. So, if I can't get rid of this unhealthy relationship with the scale, I may have to
But for today--the scale remains. (Probably because I liked what I saw this morning. LOL)"
Okay, I'm outta here! Goodnight, now! :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Daily Dose 28 (continued)
Today's Eating
AM: greek yogurt w/ dollop LS (low sugar) apricot jam, blueberries and flaxseed/coffee
Snack: celery with hummus
Lunch: bowl vegetable beef soup
Snack: coffee
Dinner: BBQ'd chicken thigh w/o skin/salad/ 1 SF fudgesicle bar
Snack: 100 calorie popcorn w/ 1 T melted p. butter
Exercise: none
Hello again~ busy day! Six hours of cleaning & re-organizing my friends kitchen, weeding out old stuff to make room for new dishes, bowls, and other kitchen stuff. FUN!! Bro't my soup which tasted really good about 1pm~
No exercise today; I had to bring Becca to a party right at the time of swim class, but the base of my neck has been achey the last coupla days and I don't know if it's because of bad form in the water, or what...but I decided to give my body a rest today~ felt wierd to not go, though. It's two weeks ago tonight that I found the water classes. Tomorrow morning I'll go to the 9am class~ that should be a good one; the instructor told me last week that it's a harder workout and they use the big pool w/ the cool water. Can't wait!
Just want to say how much I appreciate the words of encouragement I recieve here and on my Facebook page re: my dieting efforts. I hope more and more people will find my blog and get something good from it. It's really been fun and helpful for me, just to get the thoughts and junk outta my head, and onto the page. I'll keep looking for interesting links and pics to post as well...keep the blog fresh and unique.
Well, it's time to hop off, call Kyle, then decide if I'm going to bed to read, or hit the couch for some HGTV. "Property Virgins" has a new episode tonight! Problem w/ lying on the couch is, I get the night-time munchies...I LOVE eating at night. But really CANT! So...tonight I'll either plan a very light snack (like 100 cal popcorn) or drink a Crysal Light to fill up my tummy. See ya in the AM!
Today's Eating
AM: greek yogurt w/ dollop LS (low sugar) apricot jam, blueberries and flaxseed/coffee
Snack: celery with hummus
Lunch: bowl vegetable beef soup
Snack: coffee
Dinner: BBQ'd chicken thigh w/o skin/salad/ 1 SF fudgesicle bar
Snack: 100 calorie popcorn w/ 1 T melted p. butter
Exercise: none
Hello again~ busy day! Six hours of cleaning & re-organizing my friends kitchen, weeding out old stuff to make room for new dishes, bowls, and other kitchen stuff. FUN!! Bro't my soup which tasted really good about 1pm~
No exercise today; I had to bring Becca to a party right at the time of swim class, but the base of my neck has been achey the last coupla days and I don't know if it's because of bad form in the water, or what...but I decided to give my body a rest today~ felt wierd to not go, though. It's two weeks ago tonight that I found the water classes. Tomorrow morning I'll go to the 9am class~ that should be a good one; the instructor told me last week that it's a harder workout and they use the big pool w/ the cool water. Can't wait!
Just want to say how much I appreciate the words of encouragement I recieve here and on my Facebook page re: my dieting efforts. I hope more and more people will find my blog and get something good from it. It's really been fun and helpful for me, just to get the thoughts and junk outta my head, and onto the page. I'll keep looking for interesting links and pics to post as well...keep the blog fresh and unique.
Well, it's time to hop off, call Kyle, then decide if I'm going to bed to read, or hit the couch for some HGTV. "Property Virgins" has a new episode tonight! Problem w/ lying on the couch is, I get the night-time munchies...I LOVE eating at night. But really CANT! So...tonight I'll either plan a very light snack (like 100 cal popcorn) or drink a Crysal Light to fill up my tummy. See ya in the AM!
Daily Dose 28
Ugh. This mornings weight: 224#. :{ What the HECK, you say?? Once again, my brain checked out and my "flesh" kicked in! AAARRGGHH!! I'm so EMBARRASSED especially after yesterdays announcement, celebration and kind words of encouragement from everyone! What am I, STUPID??? SIGH. Here's what happened:
Okay. Enough of that. I must move on. Today is a new day. I will let go of yesterday and eat wisely and well today. I'll plan my food and activities, and pray for wisdom to see the pitfalls I often set up for myself! Pray for wisdom to avoid them, and pray for help in overcoming my own weak (weak?? strong & self-willed!!) flesh. That's all I can do. Oh yah. And eat right!!
P.S. I need to figure out a way to prepare a "proper" meal each day so that Becca & I can eat together, but I can still go to my swim classes. They're right at dinnertime which means we eat early or later when I get home. Gotta figure out a working plan for this. Any ideas or suggestions?
Gotta git. I have 6 hours of deep-cleaning today at one clients home; so I've gotta go pack a couple healthy snacks, and my lunch to bring along. I'll write more later. In the meantime, THANK YOU for reading, for commenting and being an encouragement to me! I GREATLY appreciate it! :)
- got home from work at 3pm-ish. Sara had 3 leftover KFC chicken strips that were "up for grabs". I selfishly ate two and left one for Becca.
- was sleepy so took a nap for about an hour; got up & headed out at 5pm for my 5:30 swim class, thinking "Well, I'll work off that KFC and not eat anything w/ carbs when I get home." (LIE #1)
- with the taste of KFC in my mouth, I stopped at KFC after class thinking "I'll just get some chicken for Becca's dinner since I didn't cook anything before I left." (LIE #2) and proceeded to order chicken for her, but also the $1.99 Value box of popcorn chicken and big, fat, delicious fries. For me. :{
- Scarfed them down on the way home, thinking "Well, at least I just exercised, and my metabolism's kicking in, so I just won't eat anything more tonight." (LIE #3)
- Got home, was still "hungry" (LIE #4) and proceeded to eat: a bowl of Kashi puffed wheat cereal w/ skim milk, a bowl (granted, small bowls) of Frosted Cheerios w/ milk, the rest of the Triscuits w/ cheese, and finished my feeding frenzy with a tiny bowl of low-fat vanilla ice cream w/ a drizzle of chocolate syrup, thinking "Oh well. It's just a small bowl and it IS low-fat icecream! No biggie." (LIE#5)
Okay. Enough of that. I must move on. Today is a new day. I will let go of yesterday and eat wisely and well today. I'll plan my food and activities, and pray for wisdom to see the pitfalls I often set up for myself! Pray for wisdom to avoid them, and pray for help in overcoming my own weak (weak?? strong & self-willed!!) flesh. That's all I can do. Oh yah. And eat right!!
P.S. I need to figure out a way to prepare a "proper" meal each day so that Becca & I can eat together, but I can still go to my swim classes. They're right at dinnertime which means we eat early or later when I get home. Gotta figure out a working plan for this. Any ideas or suggestions?
Gotta git. I have 6 hours of deep-cleaning today at one clients home; so I've gotta go pack a couple healthy snacks, and my lunch to bring along. I'll write more later. In the meantime, THANK YOU for reading, for commenting and being an encouragement to me! I GREATLY appreciate it! :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Daily Dose 27
WOO-HOO!!! And TODAY'S WEIGHT IS.....(drum roll please.....) 222# for a total of TEN pounds down! YAAAAAYYYYY!!! Can you tell I'm pleased?? :D
I also measured and here are the changes:
It's so exciting to be "here" again; actively and persistantly striving for weight loss, fitness and good health! Next month I'll be 48 years old, and would love to be at my healthiest and "fittest" in these coming years.
Alright; gotta remember to change the weight info at the top of the blog! And figure out what I'm going to eat today. I also wonder if I should be doing my water classes every day? Does anyone know if I'm supposed to rest my muscles every other day or something? I sure hate to but don't want to be over-zealous. Guess I'll research it. In the meantime, I'm thrilled with the results of the great water workouts! :D http://www.livestrong.com/article/231551-can-you-lose-weight-doing-water-aerobics/
I also measured and here are the changes:
- Neck: same
- Arms: -1 inch
- Bust: -1 inch
- Waist: -2 inches
- Hips: - 1/2 inch
- Thigh: -2 inches
- Calf: -1 inch
- Ankle: Same
It's so exciting to be "here" again; actively and persistantly striving for weight loss, fitness and good health! Next month I'll be 48 years old, and would love to be at my healthiest and "fittest" in these coming years.
Alright; gotta remember to change the weight info at the top of the blog! And figure out what I'm going to eat today. I also wonder if I should be doing my water classes every day? Does anyone know if I'm supposed to rest my muscles every other day or something? I sure hate to but don't want to be over-zealous. Guess I'll research it. In the meantime, I'm thrilled with the results of the great water workouts! :D http://www.livestrong.com/article/231551-can-you-lose-weight-doing-water-aerobics/
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Daily Dose 26 (continued)
Popping in to leave this link: http://lynnsweigh.blogspot.com/ I could sit here all day, following links to more and more amazing websites and blogs about weight-loss and healthy living! This one's pretty cool~
Today's Eating (so far)
AM: Cranberry Whole-grain oatmeal pkt. w/ 2T craisins, sprinkling of walnuts, about 1/4 cup frozen blueberries, teeny bit of SF syrup, and a T 1/2 & 1/2 plus my coffee. That was very filling and very delicious.
Snack: Handful almonds/2 dried apricots
Lunch: Bowl hearty Vegetable Beef soup (better today than yesterday!)
Snack: Coffee
Dinner: Salad loaded w/ good stuff/balsamic vinegar
Snack: Boiled egg
Exercise: 1 hour water aerobics
Not sure what to make for dinner; I have to leave here at 5:15 to be in the pool by 5:45pm. So should figure it out and get busy w/ that now...we do still have leftover BBQ'd chicken, and of course, the soup, but Becca's probably getting sick of that. Hmmmm...something quick and easy...omelets and toast? Soup & Sandwich? Um....
I'm patting myself on the back for not giving in to temptation this afternoon and resisting a bowl of candy sitting out at a clients!! Picked one up, put it down. Did that again. Told myself "I already know what that Tootsie Roll/Almond Joy bar tastes like!" They were miniatures but still! Don't want to get my sweet tooth going; and hafta remember I'm doing pretty much NO white sugar/flour this week too. AND! Tomorrow is my official "one-month-later" weigh in! :D
Alright. Guess I'll hop off and go start dinner so I can eat something healthy before getting active in the pool! TTYL!
Today's Eating (so far)
AM: Cranberry Whole-grain oatmeal pkt. w/ 2T craisins, sprinkling of walnuts, about 1/4 cup frozen blueberries, teeny bit of SF syrup, and a T 1/2 & 1/2 plus my coffee. That was very filling and very delicious.
Snack: Handful almonds/2 dried apricots
Lunch: Bowl hearty Vegetable Beef soup (better today than yesterday!)
Snack: Coffee
Dinner: Salad loaded w/ good stuff/balsamic vinegar
Snack: Boiled egg
Exercise: 1 hour water aerobics
Not sure what to make for dinner; I have to leave here at 5:15 to be in the pool by 5:45pm. So should figure it out and get busy w/ that now...we do still have leftover BBQ'd chicken, and of course, the soup, but Becca's probably getting sick of that. Hmmmm...something quick and easy...omelets and toast? Soup & Sandwich? Um....
I'm patting myself on the back for not giving in to temptation this afternoon and resisting a bowl of candy sitting out at a clients!! Picked one up, put it down. Did that again. Told myself "I already know what that Tootsie Roll/Almond Joy bar tastes like!" They were miniatures but still! Don't want to get my sweet tooth going; and hafta remember I'm doing pretty much NO white sugar/flour this week too. AND! Tomorrow is my official "one-month-later" weigh in! :D
Alright. Guess I'll hop off and go start dinner so I can eat something healthy before getting active in the pool! TTYL!
Daily Dose 26
Good morning! Happy Tuesday! It's happy for me as the scales say 223# despite some not-so-good/very bad night-time snacking! :{ It's so wierd how I'll be SO determined not to eat anything more for the night, then my brain starts working overtime to justify a "little" something, and before I know it, I've excused myself into eating...well, I'm not even gonna list it here; it's too embarrassing. :{ Okay, okay, I will. Sheesh! Here's what I chomped my way thru last night, starting about 9pm when I got home from chorus: 2 celery sticks w/ hummus, couple handfuls of honey-wheat pretzel sticks w/ french onion dip, a Skinny Cow fudge bar, a bunch of Triscuits w/ cheese, a peanut butter & jam sandwich!!! Oh! Almost forgot the 4 Oreos in bed!!! :{ What in the world, Sharon???!!! :O SIGH! Okay, well, that binge may show up on my scale tomorrow, but in the meantime, I'll continue on with my good eating, exercise and keep plugging away, and hopefully not do that again any time soon.
A very cool thing: Erin brought over a HUGE bag of clothing passed on from her boyfriends, mother's friend! Tons of pants & tops mostly, from size 24 down to the 18/16's which were the ones I fit into, thankfully. A really cute, brand new denim "short" skirt, and a black corduroy skirt too; I call them short, but they go to the knee or just above. I'll wear them this winter with tights and a sweater. Fun! Anyway, now I have to go through my dresser again and pare down; one of the benefits of doing laundry for other people is, I see their excess of clothing which can barely be contained, and it makes me want to keep my own stuff to a manageable, wearable amount. I'll get Becca to take pics of me in my "new" stuff! It's almost time for my monthly weigh-in and will measure myself as well. Still not sure I'll post those numbers. :}
Well, it's another day: here's what I found in my Inbox this AM; I LOVE these emails and food/recipe lists! The pictures look so delicious too! http://online.prevention.com/dtourbreakfasts/2.html I hope you find something in these links that you can use! I'm going to make myself oatmeal with cranberries, walnuts, a few cut-up dried apricots, and a little SF (sugar free) maple syrup & cream for breakfast! Doesn't that sound delicious??? Yummo! :D Okay, I'm outta here for now! Have a GREAT day!
A very cool thing: Erin brought over a HUGE bag of clothing passed on from her boyfriends, mother's friend! Tons of pants & tops mostly, from size 24 down to the 18/16's which were the ones I fit into, thankfully. A really cute, brand new denim "short" skirt, and a black corduroy skirt too; I call them short, but they go to the knee or just above. I'll wear them this winter with tights and a sweater. Fun! Anyway, now I have to go through my dresser again and pare down; one of the benefits of doing laundry for other people is, I see their excess of clothing which can barely be contained, and it makes me want to keep my own stuff to a manageable, wearable amount. I'll get Becca to take pics of me in my "new" stuff! It's almost time for my monthly weigh-in and will measure myself as well. Still not sure I'll post those numbers. :}
Well, it's another day: here's what I found in my Inbox this AM; I LOVE these emails and food/recipe lists! The pictures look so delicious too! http://online.prevention.com/dtourbreakfasts/2.html I hope you find something in these links that you can use! I'm going to make myself oatmeal with cranberries, walnuts, a few cut-up dried apricots, and a little SF (sugar free) maple syrup & cream for breakfast! Doesn't that sound delicious??? Yummo! :D Okay, I'm outta here for now! Have a GREAT day!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Daily Dose 25 (continued)
Hey! What's happening? I'm enjoying my afternoon cup of coffee, checking out Facebook and writing a little here before taking off for my Cardio Combo class at 5:30pm. Debated going or not, as it ends at 6:30 and I have to be seated, (dry, preferably) and ready to sing in Hinesburg by 7pm (1/2 hour away)! I decided I hate to miss a class, so will just do the mad dashing required and "have it all"! :D
I made that delicious little pizza thingie for lunch; whole-wheat pita (only 15g carbs!) w/ a T pesto, then pc's of BBQ'd chicken minus the saucy skin, then some mozzarella & finally feta. Wish I'd had some spinach or fresh rosemary, but maybe next time. It was delicious and I'm still stuffed even though I ate it at 2pm. (It's now ten of five) I won't be getting home from chorus till almost 9pm so think I'll just eat something VERY light (if at all) and leave it at that. I'd love to see the scale say 223 again tomorrow morning. :)
Today's Eating (so far)
AM: yogurt w/ jam/flax/coffee/banana
Snack: 4 dried apricots/small handful almonds
Lunch: pita pizza as described above/skinny cow bar
Snack: coffee (4:30pm)
Dinner: ??? hopefully nothing
Exercise: 1 hour cardio/etc in water
I made that delicious little pizza thingie for lunch; whole-wheat pita (only 15g carbs!) w/ a T pesto, then pc's of BBQ'd chicken minus the saucy skin, then some mozzarella & finally feta. Wish I'd had some spinach or fresh rosemary, but maybe next time. It was delicious and I'm still stuffed even though I ate it at 2pm. (It's now ten of five) I won't be getting home from chorus till almost 9pm so think I'll just eat something VERY light (if at all) and leave it at that. I'd love to see the scale say 223 again tomorrow morning. :)
Today's Eating (so far)
AM: yogurt w/ jam/flax/coffee/banana
Snack: 4 dried apricots/small handful almonds
Lunch: pita pizza as described above/skinny cow bar
Snack: coffee (4:30pm)
Dinner: ??? hopefully nothing
Exercise: 1 hour cardio/etc in water
Daily Dose 25
Ugh. 224. SIGH. (patience, Sharon, patience!) It'll be so awesome to get below the 220 mark; hopefully this week! Although that's a months worth of pounds; but totally possible in one week. We'll see. Breakfast: 1 c. Greek yogurt w/ 1 T SF raspberry preserves & flaxseed, banana. YUMMO! Most mornings I used to only drink coffee, but I've found that eating breakfast definitely gives me energy and helps me not to snack or eat voraciously when I get home later on. This sugar-free jam has only 5g carbs per tablespoon compared to 12g in the regular stuff. I'm doing pretty well avoiding white sugar and flour (hmmm, just remembered eating one of Sara's homemade peanut butter cookies yesterday). I bought a jar of pesto yesterday and think I'll make a pesto, feta, chicken pizza-thingie on a whole-wheat pita for lunch or dinner. Doesn't that sound delicious?
http://www.prevention.com/foodflips/index.shtml Found these "Skinny comfort-food tips and recipes in my inbox just now. Awesome! Can't wait to make the skinny pumpkin pie!
Yesterday marked a year & a half since I met Kyle on Match.com! So many changes in my life due to losing 75#; right up there with the joy of having Kyle in my life, is having exercise in my life! Before 2fatchicks, I'd never exercised on purpose in my life! Well, that's not true. I think I walked during Free To Be Thin phase in like, 1999. But not regularly, had
no accompanying music, and I'm sure I hated it! :{
Getting a gym membership 2 years ago was one of the best things I've ever done; who knew that working out would not only be beneficial, but fun? And now that I've discovered water aerobics, and will probably pretty much exclusively do that, I'm even happier! One of the "old ladies" at swim class told me she's been doing it for 11 years!! Some of these ladies are what the girls & I call "chickie grandma's!" That's what I want to be when I'm in my 60's!! :D Healthy, active and loving life and all it has to offer!
Alright, can't think of anything encouraging or helpful this morning, so guess I'll sign off for now. Hope you all have a productive and successful day, dieting or otherwise! :)
http://www.prevention.com/foodflips/index.shtml Found these "Skinny comfort-food tips and recipes in my inbox just now. Awesome! Can't wait to make the skinny pumpkin pie!
no accompanying music, and I'm sure I hated it! :{
Alright, can't think of anything encouraging or helpful this morning, so guess I'll sign off for now. Hope you all have a productive and successful day, dieting or otherwise! :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Daily Dose 24 (continued)
Today's Eating:
AM: coffee/banana/Atkins chocolate protein shake
Snack: none
Lunch: leftover BBQ'd chicken/squash/1/2 c. whole wheat pasta w/ feta crumbles/Skinny Cow Chocolate Fudge Bar
Snack: coffee
Dinner: 2 bowls homemade vegetable beef soup/6 Triscuits
Snack: Skinny cow?? Not sure if I'll have one or not. Think not.
Exercise: 1 hour swim class @ 4pm
Busy day; good church in the AM, got a little housekeeping done, folded wash, hoe-d out dresser and switched summer clothing to winter, did my swim class, made soup, did some blogging, chatted on FB, and now my couch & HGTV are calling my name! Think I'll get my jammies on & curl up for a quiet evening. See you in the AM~ :)
Today's Eating:
AM: coffee/banana/Atkins chocolate protein shake
Snack: none
Lunch: leftover BBQ'd chicken/squash/1/2 c. whole wheat pasta w/ feta crumbles/Skinny Cow Chocolate Fudge Bar
Snack: coffee
Dinner: 2 bowls homemade vegetable beef soup/6 Triscuits
Snack: Skinny cow?? Not sure if I'll have one or not. Think not.
Exercise: 1 hour swim class @ 4pm
Busy day; good church in the AM, got a little housekeeping done, folded wash, hoe-d out dresser and switched summer clothing to winter, did my swim class, made soup, did some blogging, chatted on FB, and now my couch & HGTV are calling my name! Think I'll get my jammies on & curl up for a quiet evening. See you in the AM~ :)
Daily Dose 24
Anyway, moving on, I did indeed gain a pound from last nights dinner; 224# this AM. Well, I expected it, and can deal with it. Todays 4pm class will take care of THAT!! :D As I've been reading these books about people who were grossly overweight, like by hundreds of pounds, I feel thankful that I wasn't! I mean, I've been pretty "gross-ly" overweight, but not like that. Thinking back on my dieting history, I realize that I didn't ever really start a diet till I was about 24 years old.
I'd been married a couple years, we were thinking about starting our family and I didn't want to get pregnant weighing whatever I did at that point. So I began Weight Watchers with my friend, Lori. I remember that in about 3 months, I lost 33# and felt amazing! That summer I got pregnant for our first baby; what an exciting time! I was SO eager to wear maternity clothes and "show" that I bought my first outfit (a royal blue, pin-wale corduroy dress) in like, October (I was 3 months along!) and started wearing it! Isn't that funny??
During that pregnancy, I developed pre-eclampsia (http://www.webmd.com/baby/tc/preeclampsia-and-high-blood-pressure-during-pregnancy-topic-overview) and gained over 40#, my ankles, feet and hands swelling with retained fluid during the last trimester. My doctor hospitalized me for strict bed-rest after I'd had to quit working to be at home for bed-rest. I was in the hospital for about a week, in March. My due date was May 7th. On April 15th, after an untrasound showed that the baby was under stress, they decided to induce labor, and Erin was born about 24 difficult hours later. That was quite an experience, but with a happy ending!
The coolest thing (besides having this beautiful baby girl!) was that within 3 days in the hospital, I lost 27 of the 40+ pounds I'd gained!! All that fluid just got pee'd out! :D By the time she was a few weeks old, I lost the rest of the pregnancy weight, and felt very self-satisfied. Unfortunately, as I settled in to become a happy homemaker/mommy who loved to cook and bake, I gradually gained the weight back. At different points in the following years, I'd get to a point of disgust with my weight, and would try a new diet.
I remember reading a book called "Free To Be Thin" by Christian author Neva Coyle, and following her diet, I lost...33# in about 3 months! Eventually gained that back PLUS some, and the next diet I did was Atkins on which I lost...33# in 3 months! Same deal, gained it back. Few years later I read and LOVED "The Weigh Down Diet" by Gwen Shamblin. Her foundational premise was that God gave us a variety of good foods for our health and enjoyment, and that we should allow his built-in guage of "hungry/full" to limit our intake, therefore limiting our weight. It made such good sense to me, and I enjoyed 3 months of great Bible study, journaling and weight-loss using that standard of eating and lost, yep! 33#!! Isn't that funny?? Every time I dieted, I'd lose 33 pounds, feel satisfied w/ the noticeable loss and then kinda fizzle out...
It wasn't till 2fatchicks in 2008, when I'd ballooned up to 266#, that I was able to get past that plateau and level of satisfaction to lose more than my typical 33 #. It's very encouraging to me now to know that I was able to accomplish that, and know that I can do it again, with God's help, hard work, and the help and encouragement of friends and family.
Okay, I'm video chatting w/ Kyle now, so will end this long post. I'll be on later though, I'm sure! :) If I can find and access some pictures of those former diets/losses I'll post them for your amusement/enjoyment! :D
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Daily Dose 23 (continued)
UGH! :( I'm too full...my plan didn't quite work out as intended. I had an afternoon cup of coffee while I prepared dinner, so forgot I was going to eat veggies n' hummus. That's okay; the coffee took the edge off. But then I started sampling the whole-wheat pasta, a nibble here, a nibble there, and taste-tested the squash fries (yuck). We didn't eat till after 7pm, and Erin & Chris ended up bringing store-bought brownies & fudge sauce to go w/ my vanilla ice cream. I had half a brownie w/ a little ice cream & about a tablespoon of the fudge sauce. That pretty much put me over the top; ick. Too much of BBQ'd ribs (the homemade sauce was great), 1/2 corn on the cob, little pasta, little squash, small glass of white wine. Just too much. Can't wait for tomorrow afternoons class to work it off. I won't be surprised to see a little gain tomorrow AM. :( Oh well. I'm pretty sure that in the long run, eating well during the week and working out 6 days a week will help me consistantly get fit, and lose the weight I want to.
Today while out running errands, I stopped in to Goodwill for a quick paw. Bought a size 14 swimsuit for $8 to "grow into"; mine now is a 16. Also got a really pretty pale aqua zip up hoodie thing, very light-weight, for $5. Bought a pretty fall tablecloth at TJMaxx for $10. A little "shopping therapy" for fun! :)
Okay, time to get off the computer. I hear my bed and my book calling me! Goodnight! :)
Today while out running errands, I stopped in to Goodwill for a quick paw. Bought a size 14 swimsuit for $8 to "grow into"; mine now is a 16. Also got a really pretty pale aqua zip up hoodie thing, very light-weight, for $5. Bought a pretty fall tablecloth at TJMaxx for $10. A little "shopping therapy" for fun! :)
Okay, time to get off the computer. I hear my bed and my book calling me! Goodnight! :)
Daily Dose 23
223# this morning! Wow! It's really happening! :) That makes 9 pounds total leaving me with just 48# more to lose! That doesn't depress me; it's actually encouraging! When I remember that I began 2fatchicks with 100 pounds to lose, starting this time with fewer pounds is not so bad!
Well, it's Saturday morning, I got up at 7am so I can get to an 8:15am water class in Essex! I can't wait! One of the coolest things about working out in the water, is I don't come out feeling all hot n' sweaty and gross! I'm actually cool and refreshed! Now how can you beat that?? I have to admit that yesterdays instructor, yet another new one to me, had us doing alot of repeat stuff, over and over and over, BORING!!! But it was a good workout, my muscles burned, I was panting and sweating too! I wonder who'll do todays class?
Last evening Becca & I had a "date"~ we went out to eat at Longhorn, sharing an onion-ring sort of appetizer, then I had herb-garlic encrusted steak w/ a fontina cheese sauce over it, fresh broccoli, and a caesar salad. Warm honey-wheat bread came out first. It was delicious! I ate probably more onion rings than was neccesary, a slice of the bread, but could only finish half my meal, so brought it home. Oh. I forgot that before I left the house, I baked 3 boneless chicken breasts that needed to be cooked, and ate one, thinking "This will help me not be so hungry at the restaurant." It worked. I was fine with everything I ate, enjoying Becca's company and the fun atmosphere of Longhorn. Left satisfyingly full!
We then went to see "Wall Street; Money Never Sleeps". That was pretty good although much of the financial stuff was over our heads! Didn't need candy or popcorn cuz' I was comfortably full from dinner! Came home afterwards, and Erin was here to watch a movie with us, so it was a nice, relaxed evening with most of my girls! Finished the night with more of my book (this one called "Angry Fat Girls" etc. written by Frances Kuffel who ended up gaining back 100 of the 188 pounds she'd lost a few years previously. Wow. Bummer! But it happens more often than not. I can relate.
I'm back! Left the house at 7:45am for a water class which was GREAT!! That's all I'll say about it; I know my raving is getting old! :D Ran some errands, had a nice long chat w/ my Mom on the phone, and now I'm home briefly before bringing Becca downtown to meet friends. Gotta hurry back & clean the house a little. Erin & Chris are coming over for dinner: I'm making BBQ'd ribs and chicken w/ homemade BBQ sauce, corn on the cob, broccoli/cauliflower and probably apple crisp w/ vanilla ice cream for dessert. Are you wondering how I'll "resist" all that yummy, high calorie stuff? Well, here's my plan: I'll drink a big glass of water and munch on veggies and hummus while I'm preparing. I'll eat off a smaller plate, and then serve myself a small portion of dessert. We're eating at 5:30ish so it won't be too late in the day. I'll make just enough dessert that we eat it all in one sitting so I'm not tempted by it later on! Sound good?
Today's Eating (so far)
AM: Atkins super-duper deluxe chocolate shake/coffee
Snack: 1 dried apricot/8 almonds/Skinny Cow Fudge bar
Lunch: Leftover dinner (small pc. steak/1/2 c. broccoli/onion rings pc's/sm. slice honey-wheat bread)
Exercise: 1 hour water workout (8am)
Well, it's Saturday morning, I got up at 7am so I can get to an 8:15am water class in Essex! I can't wait! One of the coolest things about working out in the water, is I don't come out feeling all hot n' sweaty and gross! I'm actually cool and refreshed! Now how can you beat that?? I have to admit that yesterdays instructor, yet another new one to me, had us doing alot of repeat stuff, over and over and over, BORING!!! But it was a good workout, my muscles burned, I was panting and sweating too! I wonder who'll do todays class?
Last evening Becca & I had a "date"~ we went out to eat at Longhorn, sharing an onion-ring sort of appetizer, then I had herb-garlic encrusted steak w/ a fontina cheese sauce over it, fresh broccoli, and a caesar salad. Warm honey-wheat bread came out first. It was delicious! I ate probably more onion rings than was neccesary, a slice of the bread, but could only finish half my meal, so brought it home. Oh. I forgot that before I left the house, I baked 3 boneless chicken breasts that needed to be cooked, and ate one, thinking "This will help me not be so hungry at the restaurant." It worked. I was fine with everything I ate, enjoying Becca's company and the fun atmosphere of Longhorn. Left satisfyingly full!
We then went to see "Wall Street; Money Never Sleeps". That was pretty good although much of the financial stuff was over our heads! Didn't need candy or popcorn cuz' I was comfortably full from dinner! Came home afterwards, and Erin was here to watch a movie with us, so it was a nice, relaxed evening with most of my girls! Finished the night with more of my book (this one called "Angry Fat Girls" etc. written by Frances Kuffel who ended up gaining back 100 of the 188 pounds she'd lost a few years previously. Wow. Bummer! But it happens more often than not. I can relate.
I'm back! Left the house at 7:45am for a water class which was GREAT!! That's all I'll say about it; I know my raving is getting old! :D Ran some errands, had a nice long chat w/ my Mom on the phone, and now I'm home briefly before bringing Becca downtown to meet friends. Gotta hurry back & clean the house a little. Erin & Chris are coming over for dinner: I'm making BBQ'd ribs and chicken w/ homemade BBQ sauce, corn on the cob, broccoli/cauliflower and probably apple crisp w/ vanilla ice cream for dessert. Are you wondering how I'll "resist" all that yummy, high calorie stuff? Well, here's my plan: I'll drink a big glass of water and munch on veggies and hummus while I'm preparing. I'll eat off a smaller plate, and then serve myself a small portion of dessert. We're eating at 5:30ish so it won't be too late in the day. I'll make just enough dessert that we eat it all in one sitting so I'm not tempted by it later on! Sound good?
Today's Eating (so far)
AM: Atkins super-duper deluxe chocolate shake/coffee
Snack: 1 dried apricot/8 almonds/Skinny Cow Fudge bar
Lunch: Leftover dinner (small pc. steak/1/2 c. broccoli/onion rings pc's/sm. slice honey-wheat bread)
Exercise: 1 hour water workout (8am)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Daily Dose 22
Good morning! (224) I woke up at 5am, slept for a while longer, then got up at 5:30am. Why on earth?? Well, yesterday's aqua class, although not the greatest, was still vigorous and I joined Erin at Planet Fitness afterwards for 20 minutes on the treadmill, so I was pretty tired by the time I got home at 8pm. Putzed around, read in bed till 9:30 then turned off my light. So, it was a good night's sleep! I have a sink full of dishes I've been putting off doing, so will tackle that this AM too!
I finished my book "Passing For Thin"~ and then read/finished a little short one last night called "I Finally Understand!" by Deb Micinski. It was so cool to see that she lost and maintained her weight using many or the very practical tools and methods that Sylvia & I did. Here's an "aha!" moment that changed her way of dieting completely: "The constant failure to lose weight perpetuated a very poor self-image and lack of self-respect. The lack of self-respect triggered the binge eating. The binge eating caused me to gain even more weight. Gaining more weight deepened my feelings of worthlessness and depression. What a self-destructive cycle! This time, my goals were going to be different. This time my goal was to create a new healthy lifestyle! I vowed to never go on a restrictive diet again! I was going to respect my body and make a commitment to eat healthy and treat my body well from now on. I was also going to take steps to strengthen my mental/spiritual/health as well."
Here's her list of Tips:
1. Make a verbal commitment, "out loud" that you'll take steps to improve your overall health (mind, body & soul).
2. Take a daily vitamin.
3. One day at a time: set small, even daily goals to achieve.
4. It doesn't have to be all or nothing! Eating wrong (my words) doesn't mean you have to give up & have a total binge! STOP NOW! Forgive yourself for the weak moment and get back on track.
5. Concentrate on what you CAN eat instead of what you can't. Remember you can eat anything you want, but you're choosing to eat the good stuff!
6. Stay on track! Stay committed to your plan.
7. Keep busy! It'll help keep your mind off food.
8. Get plenty of rest. When you're tired, you're more likely to make wrong food choices and less likely to exercise.
9. Motivation: plan small trips or gatherings for something non-food related to look forward to!
10. Learn to listen to your body. Accept that during your period you're likely to gain a few extra pounds, but they're most likely water weight and will disappear in a few days.
11. Take lessons from thin people. Watch them, ask questions. and take action to incorporate some of their habits.
12. Visualization. Put up pictures of yourself when you were thinner, or cut out pics of an outfit, dress or swimsuit you'd like to wear.
13. Don't purchase larger clothes to compensate for weight gain. That's like giving yourself permission to keep the weight on.
14. Buy a cookbook w/ healthy, low-fat recipes and commit to trying out at least one recipe each week to keep your diet interesting and introduce yourself to new foods.
15. Always look for opportunities to exercise: park further away, take the stairs, etc.
16. Eat light, but more often.
17. Balance and portion control. Eat a variety of healthy foods and reduce portions.
18. Eat the majority of carbohydrates earlier in the day; limit or eliminate them at dinnertime for weight loss.
19. Prepare for mid-afternoon cravings by planning what you'll eat and having it on hand.
I know! It's all common sense, and we all know those are the right things to do! No big surprise or revelation here! But once we truly decide to commit to a change in our lifestyle, these are great reminders of resources to help us stick to the plan! I need to refresh my memory with these tips! Okay, here's one more quote from her book which reflects my choice of "dieting" method:
"Since my normal work week was fairly routine compared to weekends, I focused on eating healthy, watched portion sizes and exercised regularly during the week. On weekends however, I allowed myself to eat "extra's" as well as choose whether or not to exercise. That didn't mean I went crazy on weekends, lying around, and eating nothing but junk food; the key was to stay in control and continue to eat healthy otherwise. I didn't feel guilty or deprived and it made the difference in my permanent weight loss!"
Yesterday's Today's Eating:
AM: yogurt w/ flax/granola/coffee
Snack: celery w/ peanut butter
Lunch: ?? can't remember!! did I have any???
Snack: apple/coffee
Dinner: shrimp stirfry
Snack: more stirfry/4 triscuits/2 dried apricots (after all my exercise)
Exercise: 1 hour water aerobics/20 minutes on treadmill
Gotta scoot! Have a great day! :)
I finished my book "Passing For Thin"~ and then read/finished a little short one last night called "I Finally Understand!" by Deb Micinski. It was so cool to see that she lost and maintained her weight using many or the very practical tools and methods that Sylvia & I did. Here's an "aha!" moment that changed her way of dieting completely: "The constant failure to lose weight perpetuated a very poor self-image and lack of self-respect. The lack of self-respect triggered the binge eating. The binge eating caused me to gain even more weight. Gaining more weight deepened my feelings of worthlessness and depression. What a self-destructive cycle! This time, my goals were going to be different. This time my goal was to create a new healthy lifestyle! I vowed to never go on a restrictive diet again! I was going to respect my body and make a commitment to eat healthy and treat my body well from now on. I was also going to take steps to strengthen my mental/spiritual/health as well."
Here's her list of Tips:
1. Make a verbal commitment, "out loud" that you'll take steps to improve your overall health (mind, body & soul).
2. Take a daily vitamin.
3. One day at a time: set small, even daily goals to achieve.
4. It doesn't have to be all or nothing! Eating wrong (my words) doesn't mean you have to give up & have a total binge! STOP NOW! Forgive yourself for the weak moment and get back on track.
5. Concentrate on what you CAN eat instead of what you can't. Remember you can eat anything you want, but you're choosing to eat the good stuff!
6. Stay on track! Stay committed to your plan.
7. Keep busy! It'll help keep your mind off food.
8. Get plenty of rest. When you're tired, you're more likely to make wrong food choices and less likely to exercise.
9. Motivation: plan small trips or gatherings for something non-food related to look forward to!
10. Learn to listen to your body. Accept that during your period you're likely to gain a few extra pounds, but they're most likely water weight and will disappear in a few days.
11. Take lessons from thin people. Watch them, ask questions. and take action to incorporate some of their habits.
12. Visualization. Put up pictures of yourself when you were thinner, or cut out pics of an outfit, dress or swimsuit you'd like to wear.
13. Don't purchase larger clothes to compensate for weight gain. That's like giving yourself permission to keep the weight on.
14. Buy a cookbook w/ healthy, low-fat recipes and commit to trying out at least one recipe each week to keep your diet interesting and introduce yourself to new foods.
15. Always look for opportunities to exercise: park further away, take the stairs, etc.
16. Eat light, but more often.
17. Balance and portion control. Eat a variety of healthy foods and reduce portions.
18. Eat the majority of carbohydrates earlier in the day; limit or eliminate them at dinnertime for weight loss.
19. Prepare for mid-afternoon cravings by planning what you'll eat and having it on hand.
I know! It's all common sense, and we all know those are the right things to do! No big surprise or revelation here! But once we truly decide to commit to a change in our lifestyle, these are great reminders of resources to help us stick to the plan! I need to refresh my memory with these tips! Okay, here's one more quote from her book which reflects my choice of "dieting" method:
"Since my normal work week was fairly routine compared to weekends, I focused on eating healthy, watched portion sizes and exercised regularly during the week. On weekends however, I allowed myself to eat "extra's" as well as choose whether or not to exercise. That didn't mean I went crazy on weekends, lying around, and eating nothing but junk food; the key was to stay in control and continue to eat healthy otherwise. I didn't feel guilty or deprived and it made the difference in my permanent weight loss!"
Yesterday's Today's Eating:
AM: yogurt w/ flax/granola/coffee
Snack: celery w/ peanut butter
Lunch: ?? can't remember!! did I have any???
Snack: apple/coffee
Dinner: shrimp stirfry
Snack: more stirfry/4 triscuits/2 dried apricots (after all my exercise)
Exercise: 1 hour water aerobics/20 minutes on treadmill
Gotta scoot! Have a great day! :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Daily Dose 21
COOL!! Down another pound for a total of 8 lbs!! And it's not even October 20th yet! Maybe two things I started this past week are helping to boost my metabolism; one, the swim class. Two, I decided on Monday to cut out all white/refined sugar & flour, just for the week, to see if I could do it, to see if it made any difference. I have had a little low-sugar jam w/ my plain yogurt a couple times, and I've eaten some whole-grain things, so it hasn't been a drastic change. The food I've been eating has been very satisfying and delicious. At the moment I'm drinking an Atkins Dark Chocolate Royale Shake that has only 5g carbs, 15g protein, 1g sugar, and 160 calories. This'll be my lunch as I'm not very hungry but want to keep the "pot simmering"! :D Give this body some fuel every few hours to keep it burning!
I'm really looking forward to today's swim class; yesterdays instructor wasn't very good. She didn't explain the movements and we of course, can't see what her body's doing under the water!! She also had us doing alot of rote/repetitive stuff going up & down the length of the pool (we were like a herd there were so many of us too) which got a little old. I definitely didn't feel the burn like the other times and just didn't get as "worked out" as I'd have liked. But that's okay; my body was moving, I love exercising in the water where I can do so much more, physically, and being in a group is fun too!
Okay. I'm outta here to do some errands~ I'll post more tonight including Today's Eating, etc. In the meantime, here's a link to Hungry Girl's website which has some pretty amazingly delicious, and healthy recipes and all kinds of other fun stuff! Check it out, and enjoy! http://www.hungry-girl.com/chew/index.php
I'm really looking forward to today's swim class; yesterdays instructor wasn't very good. She didn't explain the movements and we of course, can't see what her body's doing under the water!! She also had us doing alot of rote/repetitive stuff going up & down the length of the pool (we were like a herd there were so many of us too) which got a little old. I definitely didn't feel the burn like the other times and just didn't get as "worked out" as I'd have liked. But that's okay; my body was moving, I love exercising in the water where I can do so much more, physically, and being in a group is fun too!
Okay. I'm outta here to do some errands~ I'll post more tonight including Today's Eating, etc. In the meantime, here's a link to Hungry Girl's website which has some pretty amazingly delicious, and healthy recipes and all kinds of other fun stuff! Check it out, and enjoy! http://www.hungry-girl.com/chew/index.php
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Daily Dose 20
AT LAST!! The scales moved!! Down, not up! 225 this AM! I'm thrilled but then I think "That's pathetic! 7 pounds in like, THREE weeks!!???" Aarrgh!! But I know. I need to be positive and thankful, and look at the bright side. Okay. I will...WOO HOO!! :D
So! I've been to three water workout classes, two of which were taught by the same instructor, and last night's class was led by another person, so we did all different things. It was GREAT! I can't believe how fun it is; there were probably 10-12 of us, including mostly "older" people, but also a mom about my age w/ two daughters around say, 14 and 10. We were moving constantly the whole time, up & down the length of the lap pool, working out against the resistance of the water. SOOOO awesome! I just wish Erin could join me each time; she works till 6pm so would miss a lot of the class. :(
I think my jeans were just the teensiest looser today! They of course, stretch out a bit after wearing them, but seems like I was tugging them up more often! Maybe I'll take a pic of some pants that are definitely snug-fitting now and then take another pic in say, a month! Speaking of jeans, I can't wait to hit Goodwill when it's time to "down-size" my clothing! It's a smart way to inexpensively dress your body as it changes sizes!
I haven't posted the dimensions, I mean, measurements I took a few weeks ago, but on October 20th I'll measure my body parts again to see if they've changed at all. I may post them, I may not. :)
From now on, I'm not going to post Today's Plan; I don't always follow it, especially the food part, so instead I'll post Today's Eating/Exercise at the end of the day. This will keep me fully aware of what's going into my mouth, and help me to pinpoint less than "successful" eating! We'll see how that goes.
Today's Eating
AM: greek yogurt w/ jam/flaxseed/boiled egg/coffee
Snack: none
Lunch: 1/2 small bowl Wendy's chili/pepper strips w/ hummus
Snack: 2 brown-rice cakes w/ p. butter/coffee
Dinner: scrambled cheesy eggs/fruit/V8
Snack: none
Exercise: 1 hour water aerobics
Got a new suit cheap today at Marshalls! Clearance for $16! A little old-ladyish, but pretty and bright and perfect for my class! I love it!
So! I've been to three water workout classes, two of which were taught by the same instructor, and last night's class was led by another person, so we did all different things. It was GREAT! I can't believe how fun it is; there were probably 10-12 of us, including mostly "older" people, but also a mom about my age w/ two daughters around say, 14 and 10. We were moving constantly the whole time, up & down the length of the lap pool, working out against the resistance of the water. SOOOO awesome! I just wish Erin could join me each time; she works till 6pm so would miss a lot of the class. :(
I think my jeans were just the teensiest looser today! They of course, stretch out a bit after wearing them, but seems like I was tugging them up more often! Maybe I'll take a pic of some pants that are definitely snug-fitting now and then take another pic in say, a month! Speaking of jeans, I can't wait to hit Goodwill when it's time to "down-size" my clothing! It's a smart way to inexpensively dress your body as it changes sizes!
I haven't posted the dimensions, I mean, measurements I took a few weeks ago, but on October 20th I'll measure my body parts again to see if they've changed at all. I may post them, I may not. :)
From now on, I'm not going to post Today's Plan; I don't always follow it, especially the food part, so instead I'll post Today's Eating/Exercise at the end of the day. This will keep me fully aware of what's going into my mouth, and help me to pinpoint less than "successful" eating! We'll see how that goes.
Today's Eating
AM: greek yogurt w/ jam/flaxseed/boiled egg/coffee
Snack: none
Lunch: 1/2 small bowl Wendy's chili/pepper strips w/ hummus
Snack: 2 brown-rice cakes w/ p. butter/coffee
Dinner: scrambled cheesy eggs/fruit/V8
Snack: none
Exercise: 1 hour water aerobics
Got a new suit cheap today at Marshalls! Clearance for $16! A little old-ladyish, but pretty and bright and perfect for my class! I love it!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Daily Dose 19
Back again but getting ready to run out the door and start a very busy day; 227 again this AM. Very discouraging and so freaky, considering my efforts. Had a pretty good eating day yesterday; worked out for an hour at the gym. Can't wait to do my Cardio swim class again; probably tomorrow and Thursday. Still going ahead with the thing, though I wonder why I bother, and who the heck cares anyway? Writing this blog is probably another waste of time and energy...
Alright. Heading out. I'll be back though. Will try to post something helpful and encouraging. :) See Ya!
Alright. Heading out. I'll be back though. Will try to post something helpful and encouraging. :) See Ya!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Daily Dose 18
Happy Monday! Weight this AM: 227 :( Knew it'd be up after my weekend, but one pound isn't terrible, I guess. Not gonna get myself all worked up over it; I enjoyed cooking and eating homemade chicken noodle soup, pumpkin pie & Rosemary Olive bread this weekend, so it's not like I pigged out on junk.
So! Onward! My brain is talking to me; one part says "Just chill. Eat sensibly and stay aware of portions, try not to eat in the evenings and get exercise at least 5 times a week. See what happens." The other part says "What the heck is your problem, Sharon? Don't you wanna see the weight come off faster? Get with the program!! Count those carbs! Follow the rules! Push yourself to the limit while exercising! You wanna see results? Then WORK for it!"
Unfortunately, my lazy self seems to rule; I feel like not being "anal" about a "diet" works better for me. I beat myself up for too many other things in life; I could be on an emotional roller-coaster on a daily basis if I include my eating habits in that routine too! Then again, that relaxed attitude could be the reason I gained 40 pounds and am having such a hard time taking it off again. SIGH! Who can figure it out? In the meantime:
Today's Plan
AM: Coffee/yogurt w/ granola/p.butter toast
Snack: Um....almonds? V8 or apple
Lunch: homemade chicken soup/no noodles/multi-grain crackers
Snack: Veggies w/ hummus
Dinner: Chicken Stir-fry/SF fudgesicle
Snack: popcorn
Exercise: Cardio/weights
Today's Goal: Get excited about eating right/getting healthy/losing weight
Got this in my email inbox this AM: check it out! http://www.prevention.com/fbdchocolate/?cm_mmc=Spotlight-_-10112010-_-Weight%20Loss-_-Chocolate%20Desserts%20That%20Flatten%20Your%20Belly
So! Onward! My brain is talking to me; one part says "Just chill. Eat sensibly and stay aware of portions, try not to eat in the evenings and get exercise at least 5 times a week. See what happens." The other part says "What the heck is your problem, Sharon? Don't you wanna see the weight come off faster? Get with the program!! Count those carbs! Follow the rules! Push yourself to the limit while exercising! You wanna see results? Then WORK for it!"
Unfortunately, my lazy self seems to rule; I feel like not being "anal" about a "diet" works better for me. I beat myself up for too many other things in life; I could be on an emotional roller-coaster on a daily basis if I include my eating habits in that routine too! Then again, that relaxed attitude could be the reason I gained 40 pounds and am having such a hard time taking it off again. SIGH! Who can figure it out? In the meantime:
Today's Plan
AM: Coffee/yogurt w/ granola/p.butter toast
Snack: Um....almonds? V8 or apple
Lunch: homemade chicken soup/no noodles/multi-grain crackers
Snack: Veggies w/ hummus
Dinner: Chicken Stir-fry/SF fudgesicle
Snack: popcorn
Exercise: Cardio/weights
Today's Goal: Get excited about eating right/getting healthy/losing weight
Got this in my email inbox this AM: check it out! http://www.prevention.com/fbdchocolate/?cm_mmc=Spotlight-_-10112010-_-Weight%20Loss-_-Chocolate%20Desserts%20That%20Flatten%20Your%20Belly
Friday, October 8, 2010
Daily Dose 17
Don't even ask!! (226) :{
So, moving right along- yesterday was a good & busy day! Erin & I made it to the Cardio Combo class a little late, so missed the warm-ups, but I-LOVED-IT!!! :D What fun it was! And what a good workout! I was sweating, my muscles were stretched and burned, and I was tired at the end! But it was a blast; didn't seem like "real" exercise at all! And yes, there were a bunch of "old people" doing it as my girls predicted, but I enjoyed them too, and will be joining them twice a week! YAY!!
I'm worried about the weekend: I'll be cooking for Kyle and his family and hanging out with them, and traditionally, I break down, eat more of my delicious home-cooked food than I probably should and end up snacking more too. Well, that's how weekends usually go, no matter where I am or who I'm with. On the other hand, I managed to lose weight over the long run on my 2fatchicksonadiet endeavor, despite my wacky weekends, so must have done something right! :{ Sigh.
Started reading "Passing For Thin" by Frances Kuppel, last night. WOW! What a story...she writes of every aspect of her love affair with food, and how it piled on the weight till she weighed over 300 pounds. I look forward to discovering what was the turning point for her, how she got started on losing the weight, and her experiences in the journey.
Okay, gotta hop off here and head out to work. Have a good one, all! :) Thanks for reading!
So, moving right along- yesterday was a good & busy day! Erin & I made it to the Cardio Combo class a little late, so missed the warm-ups, but I-LOVED-IT!!! :D What fun it was! And what a good workout! I was sweating, my muscles were stretched and burned, and I was tired at the end! But it was a blast; didn't seem like "real" exercise at all! And yes, there were a bunch of "old people" doing it as my girls predicted, but I enjoyed them too, and will be joining them twice a week! YAY!!
I'm worried about the weekend: I'll be cooking for Kyle and his family and hanging out with them, and traditionally, I break down, eat more of my delicious home-cooked food than I probably should and end up snacking more too. Well, that's how weekends usually go, no matter where I am or who I'm with. On the other hand, I managed to lose weight over the long run on my 2fatchicksonadiet endeavor, despite my wacky weekends, so must have done something right! :{ Sigh.
Started reading "Passing For Thin" by Frances Kuppel, last night. WOW! What a story...she writes of every aspect of her love affair with food, and how it piled on the weight till she weighed over 300 pounds. I look forward to discovering what was the turning point for her, how she got started on losing the weight, and her experiences in the journey.
Okay, gotta hop off here and head out to work. Have a good one, all! :) Thanks for reading!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Daily Dose 16
227#. Unbelieveable. I don't even know what to say...yesterday I counted every calorie that I put into my mouth. Here's the breakdown: Breakfast/327
Lunch/435 Dinner/562 Snacks/119 Total after dinner: 1443 calories I was pretty hungry about 9pm-ish so ate some Smart Pop w/ peanuts, then was still "peckish" and decided to just go ahead and eat some carrots and dip, thinking "Oh well. This will probably mess up the morning weight." And yet I was truly shocked to see a gain of a pound!!! :{ From VEGETABLES???!!!! :O Aarrggh!! I was so....PISSED (sorry) that I stomped downstairs, made two pieces of regular toast w/ peanut butter and raspberry preserves, ate that with my coffee and then defiantly ate a (small) bowl of Frosted Cheerios with skim milk. Thinking "I just don't give a _ _ _ _! Why even bother???" So there you have the ugly truth of my bad-tempered, whine-y attitude when things don't go my way. Pretty pathetic, huh?
On a positive note: I don't work till 1pm today. This morning I'll buy a pair of cheap water shoes at WMart, then scurry off to a morning Water Waves Challenge class at The Edge. I'm looking forward to that~ it also means I'll probably do cardio this afternoon at Planet Fitness with Erin. **Didn't get to the water class after all. Left the house w/out my cell phone, and couldn't recall which location the class was at, so had to go home again. Then zipped to WMart for the shoes, realized I still needed to pick up Becca's insulin from the pharmacy, return some items, and by the time all that was done, it was after 9am, when the class began. SIGH. The shoes though, were only a buck!! How cool is that! Of course, they're cheapo and ugly, but that's okay! For a buck, I can do ugly!! :D
Also, three more "fat" books came in the mail yesterday so I have plenty of encouraging stuff to read and learn from. Think I'll start with the one about the woman who lost half her body weight!! Wow! Perhaps her story of challenges and frustrations will help put my pathetic diet "woes" into proper perspective!
Today's Plan
Breakfast: coffee/2 toast w/ p.b & jam/cheerios w/ skim milk
Snack: None today
Lunch: Soup & crackers (Progresso Split Pea w/ Ham, Stoned Wheat crackers & Cider Apple jelly
Snack: ??
Dinner: I don't know yet.
Snack: Who knows?
Exercise: Water work-out AM/cardio PM
Today's Goal: Stop whining and keep going!
Okay, I'm outta here. No link. No photo. Maybe later on! :)
Lunch/435 Dinner/562 Snacks/119 Total after dinner: 1443 calories I was pretty hungry about 9pm-ish so ate some Smart Pop w/ peanuts, then was still "peckish" and decided to just go ahead and eat some carrots and dip, thinking "Oh well. This will probably mess up the morning weight." And yet I was truly shocked to see a gain of a pound!!! :{ From VEGETABLES???!!!! :O Aarrggh!! I was so....PISSED (sorry) that I stomped downstairs, made two pieces of regular toast w/ peanut butter and raspberry preserves, ate that with my coffee and then defiantly ate a (small) bowl of Frosted Cheerios with skim milk. Thinking "I just don't give a _ _ _ _! Why even bother???" So there you have the ugly truth of my bad-tempered, whine-y attitude when things don't go my way. Pretty pathetic, huh?
On a positive note: I don't work till 1pm today. This morning I'll buy a pair of cheap water shoes at WMart, then scurry off to a morning Water Waves Challenge class at The Edge. I'm looking forward to that~ it also means I'll probably do cardio this afternoon at Planet Fitness with Erin. **Didn't get to the water class after all. Left the house w/out my cell phone, and couldn't recall which location the class was at, so had to go home again. Then zipped to WMart for the shoes, realized I still needed to pick up Becca's insulin from the pharmacy, return some items, and by the time all that was done, it was after 9am, when the class began. SIGH. The shoes though, were only a buck!! How cool is that! Of course, they're cheapo and ugly, but that's okay! For a buck, I can do ugly!! :D
Also, three more "fat" books came in the mail yesterday so I have plenty of encouraging stuff to read and learn from. Think I'll start with the one about the woman who lost half her body weight!! Wow! Perhaps her story of challenges and frustrations will help put my pathetic diet "woes" into proper perspective!
Today's Plan
Breakfast: coffee/2 toast w/ p.b & jam/cheerios w/ skim milk
Snack: None today
Lunch: Soup & crackers (Progresso Split Pea w/ Ham, Stoned Wheat crackers & Cider Apple jelly
Snack: ??
Dinner: I don't know yet.
Snack: Who knows?
Exercise: Water work-out AM/cardio PM
Today's Goal: Stop whining and keep going!
Okay, I'm outta here. No link. No photo. Maybe later on! :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Daily Dose 15 (P.S.)
Just read this from REALFAT blog:
So I tried to pin point the one thing that all of my previous failed attempts at weight loss had in common--the goal being to avoid whatever that might be, this time. After much contemplation I arrived at this very simple truth: I am a quitter.
Ouch. That hurt. Because I really wanted the reason I couldn't lose weight to be the fault of someone or something else. I would have liked it to be due to genetics, or a chemical imbalance. I would have liked to place the blame and responsibility anywhere else besides right where it landed--in my lap.
I won't even take credit for the ability I was given to face and accept this truth. I know that God was all over it. But facing the truth--that I was a quitter--was the turning point. The neat thing is, once you are honest with yourself and God about something of this magnitude, then He has something to work with. He helped me realize that if I would just keep going, no matter what, then we could really do this.
Today I consider myself a woman of perseverance. Although I started this blog in January, I began my weight loss journey in October of last year. I think 12 months of consistently moving in the right direction earns me the right to say: "I have persevered!" When the scale isn't moving, I still am. When stress comes along, food remains "just food." When running begins to seem difficult, I keep running.
God has revealed to me what this really means:
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Thanks for those wise words and a good reminder, Lord! :)
So I tried to pin point the one thing that all of my previous failed attempts at weight loss had in common--the goal being to avoid whatever that might be, this time. After much contemplation I arrived at this very simple truth: I am a quitter.
Ouch. That hurt. Because I really wanted the reason I couldn't lose weight to be the fault of someone or something else. I would have liked it to be due to genetics, or a chemical imbalance. I would have liked to place the blame and responsibility anywhere else besides right where it landed--in my lap.
I won't even take credit for the ability I was given to face and accept this truth. I know that God was all over it. But facing the truth--that I was a quitter--was the turning point. The neat thing is, once you are honest with yourself and God about something of this magnitude, then He has something to work with. He helped me realize that if I would just keep going, no matter what, then we could really do this.
Today I consider myself a woman of perseverance. Although I started this blog in January, I began my weight loss journey in October of last year. I think 12 months of consistently moving in the right direction earns me the right to say: "I have persevered!" When the scale isn't moving, I still am. When stress comes along, food remains "just food." When running begins to seem difficult, I keep running.
God has revealed to me what this really means:
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Thanks for those wise words and a good reminder, Lord! :)
Daily Dose 15
AAARRGHH!! SOOO frustrating!! Stinkin' scales are stuck at 226! What the HECK??? I'm just baffled as to why I'm not losing weight!! Ya know how many calories this body requires to maintain it's current weight? 2044!!! No WAY I'm consuming that many! If I exercise at least 30 min per day, I can eat that many calories just to maintain 226! If I don't exercise at all, and consume 1824 calories per day, I'll lose 1# a week...and so on. http://nutrition.about.com/od/changeyourdiet/a/calguide.htm Check it out!
Last night I cut up veggies for this weeks snacking: of course, I ate a bunch dipped in my Roasted Pine Nut Hummus (I could live on that stuff) and this was after 9pm. As I ate, I thought..."this will probably affect the scales tomorrow morning." But they were SOO good and they're SOOO good for me!
Anyway, I'm feeling VERY discouraged! Like I'm putting alot of effort into eating carefully (well, certainly more so than if I were NOT trying to lose weight!!) and exercising almost every day, so I should see more progress! Seems like when Sylvia & I were doing this two years ago, similar efforts then would have yielded results for sure! Maybe it's because I'm two years older and my metabolism is really slowing down...??? SIGH!!!!! :(
Okay. Enough whining. How about some pretty pictures I took yesterday morning as I left the house?
Alright; back to the business of the day.
Today's Plan
AM: Thin toast w/ p.butter & 1 tsp raspberry preserves/coffee/1/2 cup fruit
Snack: Almonds/Apple
Lunch: Veggie-stuffed Pita w/ Hummus/
Snack: Caramel Rice cake
Dinner: I have no idea yet....chili, maybe?
Snack: Um....more veggies w/ hummus?
Exercise: Cardio & Weights OR Zumba class
Today's Goal: Pray for patience. (NO, NO! I don't mean that!! We all know what happens when we pray for patience!) :p Um...pray for perseverence! :D
So, I just added up all the calories I consumed for breakfast; here they are:
1/3 cup of half & half 100 cal
thin toast 100 cal
1/2 T p. butter 50 cal
1 tsp butter 35 cal
1 tsp jam 17 cal
1/2 cup frozen fruit 25 cal
TOTAL: 327 calories
I'm gonna count calories today just to see exactly how many I'm actually consuming. Try and figure this thing out. But I really HATE counting! :{ Well, hope you have a good day, folks! :)
Last night I cut up veggies for this weeks snacking: of course, I ate a bunch dipped in my Roasted Pine Nut Hummus (I could live on that stuff) and this was after 9pm. As I ate, I thought..."this will probably affect the scales tomorrow morning." But they were SOO good and they're SOOO good for me!
Anyway, I'm feeling VERY discouraged! Like I'm putting alot of effort into eating carefully (well, certainly more so than if I were NOT trying to lose weight!!) and exercising almost every day, so I should see more progress! Seems like when Sylvia & I were doing this two years ago, similar efforts then would have yielded results for sure! Maybe it's because I'm two years older and my metabolism is really slowing down...??? SIGH!!!!! :(
Okay. Enough whining. How about some pretty pictures I took yesterday morning as I left the house?
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Penelope saying goodbye! |
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Our house in the morning light |
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Looking up the lane from our driveway, toward the road |
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Bradish Lane, where I live! |
Today's Plan
AM: Thin toast w/ p.butter & 1 tsp raspberry preserves/coffee/1/2 cup fruit
Snack: Almonds/Apple
Lunch: Veggie-stuffed Pita w/ Hummus/
Snack: Caramel Rice cake
Dinner: I have no idea yet....chili, maybe?
Snack: Um....more veggies w/ hummus?
Exercise: Cardio & Weights OR Zumba class
Today's Goal: Pray for patience. (NO, NO! I don't mean that!! We all know what happens when we pray for patience!) :p Um...pray for perseverence! :D
So, I just added up all the calories I consumed for breakfast; here they are:
1/3 cup of half & half 100 cal
thin toast 100 cal
1/2 T p. butter 50 cal
1 tsp butter 35 cal
1 tsp jam 17 cal
1/2 cup frozen fruit 25 cal
TOTAL: 327 calories
I'm gonna count calories today just to see exactly how many I'm actually consuming. Try and figure this thing out. But I really HATE counting! :{ Well, hope you have a good day, folks! :)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Daily Dose 14 (continued)
Hey! Stopping in for a quick lunch before heading to my afternoon client; heated my leftover chicken taco filling w/ a handful each of low-fat cheese, crumbled tortilla chips and about 1/2 cup black beans. Topped w/ a dollop of Greek yogurt which tastes alot like sour cream, and VOILA! Yummo!
Something I've been noticing about myself lately: I absolutely WOLF my food down!! I just scarfed down that plate of chicken stuff in less than five minutes!!! :O Do I not know all the diet tips re: eating?
I keep thinking of cool things to do with this blog but then I forget them. Gotta start a list and get busy with Erin! I really want this to be eye-catching, interesting, fun and helpful! If you have any thoughts or suggestions for my blog, I'd welcome that too!
Gotta scoot! Three hours of cleaning this afternoon; folded wash for three hours this morning. No, not mine. :) See Ya!
A totally unrelated link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf5xE5cE3b0 Well, it's about food, so not TOTALLY unrelated!
P.S. 8:36pm What a busy afternoon! Went to Costco so dinner was hunks of warm, tender rotisserie chicken and a handful of strawberries. Yes. I ate that in the car on the way home. Are you kidding?? That smell was divine and I was...starving!!! :} Anyway, did a Zumba class this evening with Erin. Ugh. Liked this one the least of the three I've done recently. Gonna try out some other types of classes next. Okay. I'm outta here to go pick up Chelsea & Becca from choir rehearsal. Ta Ta!
Something I've been noticing about myself lately: I absolutely WOLF my food down!! I just scarfed down that plate of chicken stuff in less than five minutes!!! :O Do I not know all the diet tips re: eating?
- Sit down to eat.
- Chew each bite for 10 minutes (slight exxageration)
- Drink water in between each bite.
- Savor the food. (Weigh Down wisdom from years ago: "Your stomach doesn't taste the food, so why gulp it down so fast?")
- Other stuff like that.
I keep thinking of cool things to do with this blog but then I forget them. Gotta start a list and get busy with Erin! I really want this to be eye-catching, interesting, fun and helpful! If you have any thoughts or suggestions for my blog, I'd welcome that too!
Gotta scoot! Three hours of cleaning this afternoon; folded wash for three hours this morning. No, not mine. :) See Ya!
A totally unrelated link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf5xE5cE3b0 Well, it's about food, so not TOTALLY unrelated!
P.S. 8:36pm What a busy afternoon! Went to Costco so dinner was hunks of warm, tender rotisserie chicken and a handful of strawberries. Yes. I ate that in the car on the way home. Are you kidding?? That smell was divine and I was...starving!!! :} Anyway, did a Zumba class this evening with Erin. Ugh. Liked this one the least of the three I've done recently. Gonna try out some other types of classes next. Okay. I'm outta here to go pick up Chelsea & Becca from choir rehearsal. Ta Ta!
Daily Dose 14
Good morning, blogging friends! 226 on the scales. Sigh. I have to say that my self-predictions didn't happen yesterday after eating a pound of steak! I wasn't hungry again, so didn't eat till about 10pm, when I had a couple celery sticks w/ peanut butter. I also did an hour at the gym; 25 minutes of cardio and 35 on the weight machines. That felt very satisfying~ home afterward for a shower and then off to sing in my community choir. A happy ending to a less-than-happy day!
Today's Plan:
AM: Scrambled cheesy eggs w/ a Tbsp. bacon crumbles on half a pita
Snack: Peanut Butter Celery
Lunch: Gotta finish that chicken taco stuff but getting a little tired of it. Any suggestions on how to change it up?
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Pita Pizza's/Green Salad
Snack: Popcorn? Rice cake?
Exercise: 6:35pm Zumba class w/ Becca
Today's Goal: Stay focused and leave yesterday behind. Drink water.
I've discovered a couple neato things: I have been using "thin bread" which are these: 22 g carbs per sandwich thin
Here's the bag of flax seed I bought yesterday.
Now I have to grind it into "crumbs" (someone said to do that otherwise the seeds just go through your system whole and you don't really get the benefit as much) which I'll store in the fridge, and will sprinkle it on or in just about everything I make or eat! It has a nice nutty flavor and I feel VERY HEALTHY eating it!!
Okay, gotta hop off here for now. TTYL~ Comments are welcomed!!! :D Thanks, Michelle, for your encouraging comment the other day!
Today's Plan:
AM: Scrambled cheesy eggs w/ a Tbsp. bacon crumbles on half a pita
Snack: Peanut Butter Celery
Lunch: Gotta finish that chicken taco stuff but getting a little tired of it. Any suggestions on how to change it up?
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Pita Pizza's/Green Salad
Snack: Popcorn? Rice cake?
Exercise: 6:35pm Zumba class w/ Becca
Today's Goal: Stay focused and leave yesterday behind. Drink water.
I've discovered a couple neato things: I have been using "thin bread" which are these: 22 g carbs per sandwich thin
But I found these for less money! $1.49 for a pack of six, and also, 22g carbs!
And! I've always used the smallest size flour tortilla because it's only 15g carbs each, but recently learned that the corn tortilla's are 15g for TWO! Granted, they're a little smaller, and a totally different flavor than the flour tortilla's but they're considered "whole-grain" and probably healthier than the other! So there! :) Here's the bag of flax seed I bought yesterday.
Now I have to grind it into "crumbs" (someone said to do that otherwise the seeds just go through your system whole and you don't really get the benefit as much) which I'll store in the fridge, and will sprinkle it on or in just about everything I make or eat! It has a nice nutty flavor and I feel VERY HEALTHY eating it!!
Okay, gotta hop off here for now. TTYL~ Comments are welcomed!!! :D Thanks, Michelle, for your encouraging comment the other day!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Daily Dose 13 (continued)
Oh my WORD!! You won't believe what I just ate!! :{ 16 ounces of steak & onions!! :o What on EARTH??? Here's what happened: I was at my Monday clients, the one who keeps a tin filled w/ chocolates for everyone; I usually help myself, not necessarily "liberally" but...certainly satisfyingly!! :} Today I didn't eat any at all. Brought my apple for mid-morning. Good choice, Sharon! On the way home at 1pm I stopped at Shaws for a few things I forgot to get this weekend (all good stuff; yogurt, flax seed, V8, deodorant & dog food) but when I passed the meat fridge, I remembered how delicious my steak of the other day was, and bought a 1# package to cook up for lunch. Here are the head-games I began to play to justify myself:
Help me out here, friends!! Am I the only one who does this? Have you learned how to conquer your own weakness and sin of gluttony, in order to accomplish your goals? What tools and resources have you implemented to help you? I really have tried to line up my own tools and resources: ie: this blog, buying healthy food, recieving helpful emails w/ recipes and fitness tips, gym memberships, owning a bike, etc.
Aarrgh!! The problem wasn't so much the steak itself, it's the gluttonous desire to consume food, to satisfy my flesh w/ no thought for consequences. Good grief. :(
- "No carbs-no problem" (uh, red meat is high in saturated fat and cholesterol)
- "I'll cook it all but save some for tomorrow" (yah, right!)
- "I just won't eat dinner tonight" (mmhmmm...about 6pm you'll be hungry and start thinking about dinner!)
- "I'll work it off at the gym today" (someone told me it takes like, DAYS to digest steak!! I think that pound of steak will be around for a while!)
- "Could have been worse! Could have been chocolate, or icecream, or a pound of macaroni & cheese!" (more excuses to justify a bad decision, which perpetuates my lack of control, and basically, lying to myself in order to have what I want, NOW!!)
Help me out here, friends!! Am I the only one who does this? Have you learned how to conquer your own weakness and sin of gluttony, in order to accomplish your goals? What tools and resources have you implemented to help you? I really have tried to line up my own tools and resources: ie: this blog, buying healthy food, recieving helpful emails w/ recipes and fitness tips, gym memberships, owning a bike, etc.
Aarrgh!! The problem wasn't so much the steak itself, it's the gluttonous desire to consume food, to satisfy my flesh w/ no thought for consequences. Good grief. :(
Daily Dose 13
Ugh. 227 this AM. :{ Gained a pound. SIGH. Figures. Didn't exercise yesterday, slept alot, snacked some at night, nothing too horrendous, but still. I ended the day feeling kinda bummed out. Tried to pinpoint why...didn't really come up w/ anything but perhaps just a combination of little things. I'm not prone to "depression" neccesarily, but occasionally just FEEL depressed. Hopefully today will be a successful day~ I know that if I just get this body moving on a regular basis, it'll affect my spirits too. Erin & I are trying to find an ongoing Bible study at church that will fit in with our schedules. That'll be a help; sometimes I feel that the solitude of my job has turned me into a loner and it'll be good to broaden my circle of acquaintances and friends.
Today's Plan:
AM: Coffee/Ham & Cheese Lean Pocket
Snack: Orange Craisin muffin
Lunch: Chicken Taco or Veggie Stuffed Pita
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Cheeseburgers/Salad/Cottage cheese/Butternut Squash Fries *see link http://www.hungry-girl.com/week/weeklydetails.php?isid=684
Snack: Carrots & Hummus
Exercise: Cardio & Weights at the gym
Today's Goal: Get happy! Gym before chorus rehearsal @ 7pm.
Today's Plan:
AM: Coffee/Ham & Cheese Lean Pocket
Snack: Orange Craisin muffin
Lunch: Chicken Taco or Veggie Stuffed Pita
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Cheeseburgers/Salad/Cottage cheese/Butternut Squash Fries *see link http://www.hungry-girl.com/week/weeklydetails.php?isid=684
Snack: Carrots & Hummus
Exercise: Cardio & Weights at the gym
Today's Goal: Get happy! Gym before chorus rehearsal @ 7pm.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Daily Dose 12 (continued)
Pics from our jaunt to Stowe yesterday.
Uh oh! It's 2:26 on a Sunday afternoon and I'm getting that nap-pish feeling! Kyle says it's all in my head; I say it's all in my eyes! They're getting sleepier and sleepier! All those years of "Baptist naps" really affected me! Here's what I SHOULD be doing this afternoon:
- Go to Verizon store to get Becca's phone looked at
- Mow the stinkin' grass!
- Start the soup stock
- Make Orange Marmalade muffins for my Monday client as I said I would.
- Work on the blog
- Get to the gym before they close at 7pm
- Go for a bike ride!!
- Do something fun outside w/ Becca
- Falling asleep at the computer
- Falling asleep in my bed
- Some of the above mentioned
*I'd really like to knock off four pounds by this coming weekend for a total of 10 down! In order to do that I really have to:
- Watch carbs closely, balancing good-carbs w/ protein
- Work my tail off at the gym or get a daily plan for the classes at the Edge
- Stop eating by 7pm each day
- Cut out any processed foods or sugars for the week & just eat fruit for sweets
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