Monday, October 4, 2010

Daily Dose 13 (continued)

Oh my WORD!!  You won't believe what I just ate!!  :{  16 ounces of steak & onions!!  :o  What on EARTH???  Here's what happened:  I was at my Monday  clients, the one who keeps a tin filled w/ chocolates for everyone; I usually help myself, not necessarily "liberally" but...certainly satisfyingly!!  :}  Today I didn't eat any at all.  Brought my apple for mid-morning.  Good choice, Sharon!  On the way  home at 1pm I stopped at Shaws for a few things I forgot to get this weekend (all good stuff; yogurt, flax seed, V8, deodorant & dog food) but when I passed the meat fridge, I remembered how delicious my steak of the other day was, and bought a 1# package to cook up for lunch.  Here are the head-games I began to play to justify myself:
  •      "No carbs-no problem" (uh, red meat is high in saturated fat and cholesterol) 
  • "I'll cook it all but save some for tomorrow"  (yah, right!)

  • "I just won't eat dinner tonight"  (mmhmmm...about 6pm you'll be hungry and start thinking about dinner!)

  • "I'll work it off at the gym today" (someone told me it takes like, DAYS to digest steak!!  I think that pound of steak will be around for a while!)

  • "Could have been worse!  Could have been chocolate, or icecream, or a pound of macaroni & cheese!"  (more excuses to justify a bad decision, which perpetuates my lack of control, and basically, lying to myself in order to have what I want, NOW!!) 
One of the reasons it's been so hard to tackle weight loss again, is the fact that I quickly lose sight of my intentions and goal; I sacrifice the long-term results for immediate gratification!  What is WRONG with me???  Why can't I get it together and do what I say I want to do??  Why do I "forget" my Plan, and throw it out the window at the slightest temptation?!! 

Help me out here, friends!!  Am I the only one who does this?  Have you learned how to conquer your own weakness and sin of gluttony, in order to accomplish your goals?  What tools and resources have you implemented to help you?  I really have tried to line up my own tools and resources: ie: this blog, buying healthy food, recieving helpful emails w/ recipes and fitness tips, gym memberships, owning a bike, etc. 

Aarrgh!!  The problem wasn't so much the steak itself, it's the gluttonous desire to consume food, to satisfy my flesh w/ no thought for consequences.  Good grief.  :( 

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