Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Daily Dose 20

AT LAST!!  The scales moved!!  Down, not up!  225 this AM!  I'm thrilled but then I think "That's pathetic!  7 pounds in like, THREE weeks!!???"  Aarrgh!!  But I know.  I need to be positive and thankful, and look at the bright side.  Okay.  I will...WOO HOO!!  :D

So!  I've been to three water workout classes, two of which were taught by the same instructor, and last night's class was led by another person, so we did all different things.  It was GREAT!  I can't believe how fun it is; there were probably 10-12 of us, including mostly "older" people, but also a mom about my age w/ two daughters around say, 14 and 10.  We were moving constantly the whole time, up & down the length of the lap pool, working out against the resistance of the water.  SOOOO awesome!  I just wish Erin could join me each time; she works till 6pm so would miss a lot of the class.  :( 

I think my jeans were just the teensiest looser today!  They of course, stretch out a bit after wearing them, but seems like I was tugging them up more often!  Maybe I'll take a pic of some pants that are definitely snug-fitting now and then take another pic in say, a month!  Speaking of jeans, I can't wait to hit Goodwill when it's time to "down-size" my clothing!  It's a smart way to inexpensively dress your body as it changes sizes! 
I haven't posted the dimensions, I mean, measurements I took a few weeks ago, but on October 20th I'll measure my body parts again to see if they've changed at all.  I may post them, I may not.  :) 

From now on, I'm not going to post Today's Plan; I don't always follow it, especially the food part, so instead I'll post Today's Eating/Exercise at the end of the day.  This will keep me fully aware of what's going into my mouth, and help me to pinpoint less than "successful" eating!  We'll see how that goes. 

Today's Eating
AM:  greek yogurt w/ jam/flaxseed/boiled egg/coffee
Snack:  none
Lunch:  1/2 small bowl Wendy's chili/pepper strips w/ hummus
Snack:  2 brown-rice cakes w/ p. butter/coffee
Dinner:  scrambled cheesy eggs/fruit/V8
Snack:  none

Exercise:  1 hour water aerobics

Got a new suit cheap today at Marshalls!  Clearance for $16!  A little old-ladyish, but pretty and bright and perfect for my class!  I love it! 

1 comment:

  1. GREAT job, Sharon! That is awesome, far from pathetic!! You're being too hard on yourself! Good job! BTW, that swimming class sounds fantastic.
