Ugh. 224. SIGH. (patience, Sharon, patience!) It'll be so awesome to get below the 220 mark; hopefully this week! Although that's a months worth of pounds; but totally possible in one week. We'll see. Breakfast: 1 c. Greek yogurt w/ 1 T SF raspberry preserves & flaxseed, banana. YUMMO! Most mornings I used to only drink coffee, but I've found that eating breakfast definitely gives me energy and helps me not to snack or eat voraciously when I get home later on. This sugar-free jam has only 5g carbs per tablespoon compared to 12g in the regular stuff. I'm doing pretty well avoiding white sugar and flour (hmmm, just remembered eating one of Sara's homemade peanut butter cookies yesterday). I bought a jar of pesto yesterday and think I'll make a pesto, feta, chicken pizza-thingie on a whole-wheat pita for lunch or dinner. Doesn't that sound delicious? Found these "Skinny comfort-food tips and recipes in my inbox just now. Awesome! Can't wait to make the skinny pumpkin pie!

Happy "skinny" lady-May 08
Yesterday marked a year & a half since I met Kyle on! So many changes in my life due to losing 75#; right up there with the joy of having Kyle in my life, is having exercise in my life! Before 2fatchicks, I'd never exercised on purpose in my life! Well, that's not true. I think I walked during Free To Be Thin phase in like, 1999. But not regularly, had
no accompanying music, and I'm sure I hated it! :{

Happy fat lady @ the gym-2008
Getting a gym membership 2 years ago was one of the best things I've ever done; who knew that working out would not only be beneficial, but fun? And now that I've discovered water aerobics, and will probably pretty much exclusively do that, I'm even happier! One of the "old ladies" at swim class told me she's been doing it for 11 years!! Some of these ladies are what the girls & I call "chickie grandma's!" That's what I want to be when I'm in my 60's!! :D Healthy, active and loving life and all it has to offer!
Alright, can't think of anything encouraging or helpful this morning, so guess I'll sign off for now. Hope you all have a productive and successful day, dieting or otherwise! :)
The time-stamp at the end of these posts is totally wacked! No WAY I was up at 5:03am to blog!! :D