Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Daily Dose 14

Good morning, blogging friends!  226 on the scales.  Sigh.  I have to say that my self-predictions didn't happen yesterday after eating a pound of steak!  I wasn't hungry again, so didn't eat till about 10pm, when I had a couple celery sticks w/ peanut butter.  I also did an hour at the gym; 25 minutes of cardio and 35 on the weight machines.  That felt very satisfying~ home afterward for a shower and then off to sing in my community choir.  A happy ending to a less-than-happy day! 

Today's Plan: 
AM:  Scrambled cheesy eggs w/ a Tbsp. bacon crumbles on half a pita
Snack:  Peanut Butter Celery
Lunch:  Gotta finish that chicken taco stuff but getting a little tired of it.  Any suggestions on how to change it up?
Snack:  Apple
Dinner:  Pita Pizza's/Green Salad
Snack:  Popcorn?  Rice cake? 

Exercise:  6:35pm Zumba class w/ Becca
Today's Goal:  Stay focused and leave yesterday behind.  Drink water. 
I've discovered a couple neato things: I have been using "thin bread" which are these:  22 g carbs per sandwich thin

But I found these for less money!  $1.49 for a pack of six, and also, 22g carbs!
  And!  I've always used the smallest size flour tortilla because it's only 15g carbs each, but recently learned that the corn tortilla's are 15g for TWO!  Granted, they're a little smaller, and a totally different flavor than the flour tortilla's but they're considered "whole-grain" and probably healthier than the other!  So there!  :) 

Here's the bag of flax seed I bought yesterday. 

Now I have to grind it into "crumbs" (someone said to do that otherwise the seeds just go through your system whole and you don't really get the benefit as much) which I'll store in the fridge, and will sprinkle it on or in just about everything I make or eat!  It has a nice nutty flavor and I feel VERY HEALTHY eating it!! 

Okay, gotta hop off here for now.  TTYL~  Comments are welcomed!!!  :D  Thanks, Michelle, for your encouraging comment the other day! 


  1. Hi,
    This is Debbie. We use a small electric coffe grinder for our flax seed. You can do a small amount at a time. (which is better for you) The clean up is quick also.
    From what I understand it is better to grind only the amount you need at a time.

    Hope it helps,


  2. Thanks for the tip, Debbie! I have a little grinder/chopper thingie I'll use, and did plan to do enough to fill a container to keep in the fridge, and will freeze the rest. Do you think it's okay to freeze the seeds?
