Thursday, October 14, 2010

Daily Dose 21

COOL!!  Down another pound for a total of 8 lbs!!  And it's not even October 20th yet!  Maybe two things I started this past week are helping to boost my metabolism; one, the swim class.  Two, I decided on Monday to cut out all white/refined sugar & flour, just for the week, to see if I could do it, to see if it made any difference.  I have had a little low-sugar jam w/ my plain yogurt a couple times, and I've eaten some whole-grain things, so it hasn't been a drastic change.  The food I've been eating has been very satisfying and delicious.  At the moment I'm drinking an Atkins Dark Chocolate Royale Shake that has only 5g carbs, 15g protein, 1g sugar, and 160 calories.  This'll be my lunch as I'm not very hungry but want to keep the "pot simmering"!  :D  Give this body some fuel every few hours to keep it burning! 

I'm really looking forward to today's swim class; yesterdays instructor wasn't very good.  She didn't explain the movements and we of course, can't see what her body's doing under the water!!  She also had us doing alot of rote/repetitive stuff going up & down the length of the pool (we were like a herd there were so many of us too) which got a little old.  I definitely didn't feel the burn like the other times and just didn't get as "worked out" as I'd have liked.  But that's okay; my body was moving, I love exercising in the water where I can do so much more, physically, and being in a group is fun too! 

Okay.  I'm outta here to do some errands~ I'll post more tonight including Today's Eating, etc.  In the meantime, here's a link to Hungry Girl's website which has some pretty amazingly delicious, and healthy recipes and all kinds of other fun stuff!  Check it out, and enjoy!

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