Thursday, October 21, 2010

Daily Dose 28

Ugh.  This mornings weight: 224#.  :{  What the HECK, you say??  Once again, my brain checked out and my "flesh" kicked in!  AAARRGGHH!!  I'm so EMBARRASSED especially after yesterdays announcement, celebration and kind words of encouragement from everyone!  What am I, STUPID???  SIGH.  Here's what happened: 
  • got home from work at 3pm-ish.  Sara had 3 leftover KFC chicken strips that were "up for grabs".  I selfishly ate two and left one for Becca. 
  • was sleepy so took a nap for about an hour; got up & headed out at 5pm for my 5:30 swim class, thinking "Well, I'll work off that KFC and not eat anything w/ carbs when I get home."  (LIE #1)
  • with the taste of KFC in my mouth, I stopped at KFC after class thinking "I'll just get some chicken for Becca's dinner since I didn't cook anything before I left." (LIE #2) and proceeded to order chicken for her, but also the $1.99 Value box of popcorn chicken and big, fat, delicious fries.  For me.  :{
  • Scarfed them down on the way home, thinking "Well, at least I just exercised, and my metabolism's kicking in, so I just won't eat anything more tonight." (LIE #3)
  • Got home, was still "hungry" (LIE #4) and proceeded to eat: a bowl of Kashi puffed wheat cereal w/ skim milk, a bowl (granted, small bowls) of Frosted Cheerios w/ milk, the rest of the Triscuits w/ cheese, and finished my feeding frenzy with a tiny bowl of low-fat vanilla ice cream w/ a drizzle of chocolate syrup, thinking "Oh well.  It's just a small bowl and it IS low-fat icecream!  No biggie."  (LIE#5)
So there you have it.  Complete, raw honesty and I sit here with a red face, mortified, feeling ticked off at myself and horrified (once again) at my complete and utter lack of control and amazement at how I believe all the lies I TELL MYSELF in order to "justify" eating badly!!!  Do any of you experience the same battle of will/self-control like this?  Why do I lie to myself?  Why do I continue to sabotage my own best efforts?  Why do I perpetuate the cycle of bad eating/guilt/self-hate/more bad eating?  AARGH!  Any thoughts?

Okay.  Enough of that.  I must move on.  Today is a new day.  I will let go of yesterday and eat wisely and well today.  I'll plan my food and activities, and pray for wisdom to see the pitfalls I often set up for myself!  Pray for wisdom to avoid them, and pray for help in overcoming my own weak (weak??  strong & self-willed!!) flesh.  That's all I can do.  Oh yah.  And eat right!! 

P.S.  I need to figure out a way to prepare a "proper" meal each day so that Becca & I can eat together, but I can still go to my swim classes.  They're right at dinnertime which means we eat early or later when I get home.  Gotta figure out a working plan for this.  Any ideas or suggestions? 

Gotta git.  I have 6 hours of deep-cleaning today at one clients home; so I've gotta go pack a couple healthy snacks, and my lunch to bring along.  I'll write more later.  In the meantime, THANK YOU for reading, for commenting and being an encouragement to me!  I GREATLY appreciate it!  :) 


  1. first, BREATHE! second, been there done that so you are NOT alone. but use this experience. now you know that you need a plan. an air tight plan to get you through the day. maybe try having emergency snacks in your purse (ie: nuts, cut up carrot sticks, turkey jerkey etc) to have on hand when you are hungry and faced with delicious fast food. Just enough to get you home would work. and if you ever find yourself empty handed and in a situation like this: take a moment, take a deep breath and remember, you already know what it tastes like so just wait. chances are you won't regret NOT eating it.

    As for dinner, I usually use Sunday nights to make a big dinner. I come from a family of five so when i learned how to cook from my mom- i was learning how to cook for five :) but it's useful because now, i make a big meal (chili, beef stew, soups etc), freeze half and then portion the rest out for about 4-5 meals. if i make a pot roast, i also use it to make beef stew, roast beef sandwiches, salads, you get the idea. then what happens is without trying i have a nice selection of ready to defrost meals in a pinch. win-win.

    SO - don't fret about yesterday. focus on today. and DO NOT worry about the number that came in this morning on your scale. you KNOW that weight fluctuates. It's not an excuse to stop doing what you're doing. because obviously, what you're doing is working so KEEP IT UP!

    good luck!

  2. Great ideas for meal planning, and ready-made snacks. Thanks alot, JH! And for your encouragement. :)
