Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Daily Dose 31

225.  :(  Good grief.  Not feeling like writing now; got a lot going on with Becca's diabetes too, so my enthusiasm and energy for "me" fluctuates.  I'll write more later on. 


  1. Hop off the scale! It's actually my new challenge for this 30 days. It was DEPRESSING me. Maybe you should just take a few days or a week off.

    Isn't it funny how those 3 little numbers have so much influence over us!?!

    Hope your week gets better!

  2. Hmmmm...you mean, take a few days/week off of weighing daily? For THIRTY DAYS????!!! :{ It's true the numbers depress me, but even more, it's depressing when I know I've eaten wrong/too much and I deserve the pounds gained. Then I can't get my snap back! (Listen to me whine!!) Anyway, I'm doing really well each day till after dinner, then my old PM-eating urge kicks in...gotta do something about that. But right now, I'm hopping off the computer (it's actually 11:34pm) and going to bed. Goodnight, and thanks for commenting, JH! :)
