Friday, September 24, 2010

Daily Dose 4

Aaarrgghh!!  :{  Scales this morning have me UP two pounds!!!  WTH??!!  SOO aggravating when (like I just said the other day) I've eaten successfully and even exercised for an hour TWICE!! ..........SIGH.  Well, guess it balances out my loss of a couple days ago which were a surprise too!  Oh, the vagaries of dieting!!  This is when I remind myself of all the good things I'm doing for myself:
  • eating healthy foods
  • exercising
  • drinking lots more water
  • sharing the journey for accountability
  • setting a better example to my girls
  • striving to attain a goal
  • listing on paper what I eat each day so I don't "forget"

I have a two-hour client with a bathroom I can't wait to tackle, then I'm heading directly to the gym for an hour of cardio.  Then I need to plan what I'm eating this evening; Friday nights/weekends are typically a dangerous time for my dieting intentions...a movie night complete with junky snacks, late-night eating, and little sleep can wipe out the weeks progress!  I also tend to cook more on weekends, have more time to hang out & thus, eat more...  :(  So.  I'll hop on here later with my "plan" for the evening, add some cool links and hope someone will comment on the blog!  Above is last nights delicious salad and homemade chicken soup!  SOO good! 

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