Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday ROCKS!!

YEAH!!....well, not really, but today I'm gonna make it rock!  No, nothing special is happening, I have two cleaning clients as usual, but a little part of me is feeling psyched for the day!  I'm not sure why!!  But I'm going to list a few things that make me happy and/or psyched: (not necc. in order of importance!)

1.  Sitting in my warm bed with the awesome laptop that Brock built for me-HAPPY!  (thank you, Brock!!)
2.  My pretty kitties & sweet doggie, Emily who love me always. HAPPY!
3.  My girls who are growing up into such cool people!  HAPPY!
4.  My sweetheart, Tim, whom I've known for almost six months and makes me very HAPPY!  
5.  Friends who encourage and motivate me. (thank you, Sandra!) HAPPY & PSYCHED!
6.  My job which allows me flexibility & a good income. HAPPY!
7.  Creativity which ebbs & flows but never goes away. HAPPY & PSYCHED!
8.  My cell phone which connects me to the ones I love.  HAPPY!
9.  My quirky, funky, beautiful home which I love.  HAPPY!
10.  A new year that stretches before me; what joys or heartaches will it bring?  HAPPY & PSYCHED!

What are you happy about and psyched for?

So, here's the loose plan for my week:
MON:  2 clients/gym at 5:30/work on Sara's curtains
TUE: 2 clients/swim class at 5:30/finish Sara's curtains
WED:  all-day client/gym at 2:30 or swim class at 5:30/make cards for January & February
THUR:  1 client/3pm appt/Tim's work party at 5:30
FRI:  new client then....the WEEKEND!!  :)

Today's Eating:
AM: coffee/greek yogurt w/ maple syrup & blueberries
AM Snack:  almonds & dried cherries
Lunch:  leftover BBQ'd pork/carrots & celery w/ hummus/V8
PM Snack:  ??
Dinner:  Flat-bread pizza's/big fat salad
Snack:  ??

I'm bummed I left my scales at Tim's so can't weigh this morning; weighing every day motivates me and I like to know exactly where I'm at!  My goal for this week is to drop at least 4 pounds.  
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Alright, I'm outta here.  Hope your day ROCKS!!


  1. I love how your personality comes out in everything you type! You bring a smile to my heart!!Annnnnnd you shame me into activity....
