Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Friday!!

Today's the DAY!!  I'm up early so I can get to my VFVP's house to clean from 7am till noon, then scoot home (he's only about 6 minutes away), shower & get ready for my sweetheart to pick me up at one.  Then, we're OFF!!  I'm sooooo looking forward to seven un-interrupted hours of conversation, laughter, and making more memories with Tim.  Oh!  And I'm sure the trip &  visit w/ his brother will be great too!  :)

So, I'm up one pound on the scales this morning!  Wah!  But I know why: I ate pretty well all day, very well, in fact, but got home & began running errands at 3pm and didn't end till six!  By then I was starving, but I had friends coming at 6:30pm to discuss wedding invitations, so I heated up a Lean Cuisine meal, and gobbled that down.  They left around 8:40pm and of course, I was still hungry, but didn't want to eat "real food" so I thought "Oh, I'll just have a few tortilla chips."  Yeah, right!  I filled a paper plate, grated cheddar on top and microwaved for 45 seconds, then topped it with dabs of salsa & sour cream and happily sat down to eat my favorite snack!!  Ack!!  Not much later, Becca asked me to make popcorn which I readily agreed to do, then proceeded to consume a good-sized bowl of that!!  And finished that around 10pm!!  Good grief.  OH WELL!!  Onward!!  


Gotta hop off here but will post more this weekend from Long Island!  Have a great day, folks!  Eat well!  


  1. Have a great time Sharon, I like you have a problem with eating late. I'm finding that if I cook myslef an early meal. that I wont over indulge int he evenings. Its working! Another thing that I do is drink water or watered down juices (less sugar)
    Have fun in Long Island.

  2. It was good catching up with your blog!! Congrats on the new year and keep up the great work!!! and your little picture way down below sums up your tortilla evening ...

    unless you ate 3500 calories worth of those little suckers .. you didn't gain a pound :)

    I'm sure it was just the salt - drink lots of water and you'll be back on track

