Friday, January 20, 2012

My Bumpy Friday

Un-freaking-believeable!!  This has been a bumpy week indeed; yet again my (our) "best-laid plans" have been thwarted.  It's 4:05pm as I'm sitting on my bed, writing this post.  WHAT?, you say??  Shouldn't you be on the road with Tim, heading to Long Island??  Yes, I should.  But no, I'm not.  :(  
The day seemed rich with the promise of 1.) five hours of contentedly cleaning in the quiet beauty of my client's home  2.)  sunshine to accompany us on our journey 3.) a much needed get-away after this frustrating week.  My bags were packed.  My travel clothes laid out.  I was ready to go.  What the heck???

As I was 'contentedly cleaning in the quiet beauty of my clients home', Tim called to say there was a problem with the phone system at his office, and he might be delayed.  Turns out the whole freaking phone system SHUT DOWN and as he's the head of IT, it's his job to "fix it"!!  That was oh, about ten this morning.  He's still there, working on it, and I'm here at home, sitting in my bed with my laptop.  Good grief.  :{

Okay.  Enough bitching.  Now for the good part!  After showering, doing my hair and getting "gussied up" for the (eventual) trip, I plunked myself here w/ the laptop to check email, peruse Pinterest & catch up on Facebook.  (God forbid I use this time to, like, do wash or clean the house or something constructive like that!) 

Anyway, my friend, Deanna Smith had posted a link to her newly published ebook, entitled "Dreams Change", the story of how having a Down Syndrome baby two years ago, has changed their lives in a wonderful way.  I was thrilled to learn that I can download a free App from Amazon to let me read Kindle ebooks on my laptop!!  Within minutes I had the book purchased and downloaded and have been reading their story, my piddling, pathetic little "bumps" shrinking by the second!  Funny how perspective changes things, huh??  
It's now 4:49pm.  Sara's car slipped off the icy driveway a while ago, and I went out to spread sand and try to push her out.  No go.  She called for a tow and got out.  Then she texted to say her car is making a loud rattling noise, so I sent her to Hometown Tire so they can check it out before she gets on the highway.  UPDATE:  Sara's car died and thankfully I was still home to go get her & let her use my car this weekend.  

Tim says we'll head out early tomorrow morning and continue w/ the weekend plans a day later.  Que sera' sera'~

I'm outta here.  Methinks we shall go have dinner somewhere and a lovely glass (or two) of wine!  


  1. I love how we "plan" a day or two and then God submits His plans and we have to learn to just roll with His, knowing that there is a good reason why His plans are different. I have learned that when a bump comes that I do better to keep repeating in my head that there is a "good" reason for this to be happening :}. Have a great weekend!!

  2. Hope you and Tim are on your way to Long Island, Sharon! Have a safe and wonderful weekend, girl!

